TRAWELL CO S.P.A. Bevestigt dat de consumentenuitgaven wereldwijd sterk zijn op luchthavens
GALLARATE, Italië–(BUSINESS WIRE)– De raad van bestuur van TraWell Co S.p.A. (Euronext Growth Italia, ticker: TWL), die gistermiddag bijeenkwam, keurde het geconsolideerde halfjaarlijkse financiële verslag van 30 juni 2022 goed, waaruit blijkt dat passagiers ‘ uitgaven op luchthavens is zeer sterk.
De groep registreerde de volgende resultaten voor H1 2022:
- INKOMSTEN van € 10,9 miljoen, een stijging van € 3,7 miljoen (+ 52%);
- EBITDA gelijk aan + € 2,0 miljoen, stijging met € 2,2 miljoen;
- NETTOWINST gelijk aan + € 2,0 miljoen, een stijging van € 2,6 miljoen.
De opbrengsten van 10,9 miljoen euro (+ 52%) laten een sterke verbetering van het bestedingsklimaat zien ten opzichte van 2021.
De analyse van de inkomsten van de Groep per geografisch gebied bevestigt een ideale internationale diversificatie in H1 2022, met Amerika als de eerste markt van de Groep met ongeveer 50% van de inkomsten, Europa met 28% als de tweede markt en Azië met ongeveer 22% van de inkomsten.
TRAWELL CO S.P.A. Confirms That Consumer Spending Is Strong in Airports Worldwide
GALLARATE, Italy–(BUSINESS WIRE)– The Board of Directors of TraWell Co S.p.A. (Euronext Growth Italia, ticker: TWL), which met yesterday afternoon, approved the consolidated half-yearly financial report as of 30 June 2022, which shows that passengers’ spending in airports is very strong.
The group registered the following results for H1 2022:
- REVENUES of € 10.9 million, an increase of € 3.7 million (+ 52%);
- EBITDA equal to + € 2.0 million, up by € 2.2 million;
- NET PROFIT equal to + € 2.0 million, an increase of € 2.6 million.
The revenues of 10.9 million euros (+ 52%) show a strong improvement of the spending environment compared to 2021.
The analysis of Group’s revenues by geographical area confirms an ideal international diversification in H1 2022, with America as the first market of the Group with approximately 50% of revenues, Europe with 28% as the second market and Asia with approximately 22% of revenues.
Rudolph Gentile, President and CEO of the TraWell Group: “Demand is high, and the industry is rebounding as pandemic-era troubles subside. The Group benefits from the recovery in air traffic, as evidenced by the increase in revenues compared to 2021, on which management has built the foundations for the operational improvements implemented during the last months that bring an EBITDA of + € 2.0 million and net result (after taxes) equal to + € 2.0 million.”
Gentile continued: “We are working on the reopening of strategic points of sale, benefiting from the reduced competition, as can be seen from the quality and quantity of the concession tenders in which the Group is participating.”
Gentile confirmed the presentation to investors of the “TraWell 2027” Business Plan at the NextGems 2022 conference, organized in Milan on 18 and 19 October.
About TraWell Co
TraWell CO is uniquely positioned as listed airport service company operating 137 shops in 39 airports globally. It allows investors to gain exposure to air travel and retail sectors with high CAGR, as shown by the H1 2022 results. TraWell Co is listed on Euronext Growth Italia, ticker: TWL.
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