13:50 uur 09-11-2022

DECARD en Africa Investor kondigen partnerschap aan op COP27

KOPENHAGEN, Denemarken–(BUSINESS WIRE)– De huidige financieringsstromen zijn onvoldoende om tegen 2050 een emissievrije en veerkrachtige economie te realiseren (UNFCCC, 2021). DECARD en Africa Investor werken samen om klimaatkapitaal te mobiliseren, in te zetten en te versnellen. Bij COP27 is hun bijdrage het overbruggen van de klimaat financieringskloof en het aanpakken van Scope 3-emissies door investeringen op grote schaal te richten op rendabele, op de natuur gebaseerde projecten.

Climate Capital Technologies, een nieuw partnerschap tussen DECARD en Africa Investor, heeft tot doel levensvatbare bedrijfsmodellen te creëren om investeringen in op de natuur gebaseerde en duurzame projecten te mobiliseren en vooral in te zetten. Projectidentificatie en doorlichting capaciteiten van Africa Investor, in combinatie met DECARD’s expertise op het gebied van Web3-infrastructuur en gemeenschapsgericht economisch bestuur, zullen robuuste investeringen en kapitaalfacilitering van ESG-projecten op grote schaal mogelijk maken.

DECARD and Africa Investor Announce Partnership at COP27

COPENHAGEN, Denmark–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Current finance flows are insufficient to achieve a net-zero emission and resilient economy by 2050 (UNFCCC, 2021). DECARD and Africa Investor partner up to mobilise, deploy and accelerate climate capital. At COP27 their contribution is to bridge the climate finance gap and address Scope 3 emissions by directing investment towards bankable nature-based projects at scale.

Climate Capital Technologies, a new partnership between DECARD and Africa Investor, aims to create viable business models to mobilise and especially deploy investment in nature-based and sustainable projects. Project identification and vetting capabilities of Africa Investor, coupled with DECARD’s expertise in Web3 infrastructure and community-focused economic governance, will enable robust investment and capital facilitation of ESG projects at scale.

The objective is to build novel decentralised economic infrastructure utilising Web3 technology to accurately identify Scope 3 emissions in the value chains and accelerate capital flows into net-zero projects, decarbonising infrastructure and scaling up sustainable solutions.

Delivering on Paris Agreements’ targets means achieving significant scale and quality of public and private investments in the near term. Today, cumbersome supply chains, high transaction fees, and indirect project funding cause bottlenecks to effectively financing adaptation and resilience projects globally. Innovative tools and financial mechanisms are needed to improve countries’ access to climate finance and catalyse investments in climate action.

The UN Climate Conference, COP27, takes place in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt, from 6 -18 November. Mitigation, adaptation and climate finance are the three significant objectives driving goal-setting this year. Governments, businesses, NGOs and civil society groups convene to negotiate and plan the implementation of pledges regarding net-zero commitments, climate finance and forest protection.


Africa Investor (AI), an institutional investment holding platform, is a principal investor in strategic infrastructure assets in Africa and an advisor to institutional investors around the globe. AI bridges pools of capital from sovereign wealth and pension funds, family offices and long-term investors with vetted infrastructure, private equity and technology investment opportunities.

DECARD is a Web3 technology and banking powerhouse with cutting-edge expertise in scalable DLT solutions, financial instrument and product innovation, governance and distributed products and services.



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+423 791 50 70

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