Woody Young benoemd tot president van Solidigm
SAN JOSE, Californië–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Het wereldwijde geheugenopslagbedrijf Solidigm heeft Woody Young, een huidig lid van de raad van bestuur, benoemd tot bedrijfspresident. In deze rol zal de heer Young leiding geven aan de functies financiën, strategie, bedrijfsontwikkeling, human resources, juridische zaken en IT. Hij zal ook de zoektocht leiden naar de nieuwe CEO van Solidigm, in samenwerking met Jung-ho Park, bestuursvoorzitter van het bedrijf.
Dit persbericht bevat multimedia. Bekijk de volledige release hier: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20221114005222/en/
Voordat hij bij Solidigm kwam, had de heer Young een carrière van meer dan 30 jaar in investeringsbankieren. Meest recentelijk was hij voorzitter van fusies en overnames bij Perella Weinberg Partners, naast het leiden van de large cap telecom- en media-adviesactiviteiten van het bedrijf. De heer Young werkte eerder bij Lazard, Lehman Brothers, First Boston en Bain & Company. Hij diende ook als Witte Huis Fellow en speciale assistent van de plaatsvervangend secretaris van het Amerikaanse ministerie van Financiën van 1991 tot 1992. De heer Young is lid van de Council on Foreign Relations.
Woody Young Appointed President of Solidigm
SAN JOSE, Calif.–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Global memory storage company Solidigm has named Woody Young, a current member of its Board of Directors, company President. In this role, Mr. Young will direct the finance, strategy, corporate development, human resources, legal, and IT functions. He will also lead the search for Solidigm’s incoming CEO, in conjunction with the company’s Board Chairman Jung-ho Park.
This press release features multimedia. View the full release here: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20221114005222/en/

Woody Young, president (Photo: Business Wire)
Before joining Solidigm, Mr. Young had a 30+ year career in investment banking. Most recently, he served as the Chairman of Mergers and Acquisitions at Perella Weinberg Partners, in addition to leading the firm’s large cap telecom and media advisory business. Mr. Young previously worked at Lazard, Lehman Brothers, First Boston, and Bain & Company. He also served as a White House Fellow and special assistant to the Deputy Secretary of the U.S. Treasury from 1991-1992. Mr. Young is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.
Mr. Young received an AB degree from Brown University and a Masters in International Relations from Cambridge University. He is a graduate of the Yale School of Management.
“Woody brings strong leadership and business acumen to his role as President of Solidigm,” said Noh-Jung Kwak, Solidigm Acting CEO, and President and Co-CEO of SK hynix.” We are excited to have Woody join the Solidigm management team. His ability to develop our strategy, expand our senior leadership team, and assist in establishing a strong business and operational framework will be critical to achieving our goal of being #1 in the NAND market.”
“As a Board member, I have worked closely with Solidigm’s senior leadership team for nearly a year and have great respect for their dedication and vision,” said Mr. Young. “I am delighted to commit my broad corporate experience, industry relationships, and regulatory expertise to Solidigm’s bright future. I am dedicated to strengthening our team’s culture and to collaborating closely with SK hynix to move with greater agility in delivering unmatched products and solutions for our customers and partners.”
Solidigm is a leading global provider of innovative NAND flash memory solutions. Solidigm technology unlocks data’s unlimited potential for customers, enabling them to fuel human advancement. Our origins reflect Intel’s longstanding innovation in memory products and SK hynix’s international leadership and scale in the semiconductor industry. Solidigm became a standalone U.S. subsidiary under SK hynix in December 2021. Headquartered in San Jose, CA, Solidigm is powered by the inventiveness of more than 2,000 employees in 20 locations around the world. For more information about Solidigm, please visit solidigm.com and follow us on Twitter at @Solidigm and LinkedIn.
View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20221114005222/en/