11:35 uur 21-11-2022

Dreamstime sluit zich aan bij boycot van Qatar World Cup, roept in plaats daarvan op tot visuele verhalen

NASHVILLE, Tenn.–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Dreamstime, ‘s werelds grootste gemeenschap voor stockfoto’s, kondigt aan dat het geen afbeeldingen of beeldmateriaal van het WK van Qatar zal accepteren in de redactionele sectie. Het bureau legt uit dat goed gedocumenteerde mensenrechten kwesties en de status en omstandigheden van de migrerende werknemers in Qatar hebben geleid tot de beslissing om het topsportevenement van dit jaar te boycotten.

Dreamstime voegt eraan toe dat, ondanks de economische groei van Qatar, de slecht behandelde beschuldigingen van moderne slavernij, de onderdrukking van journalisten, de wijdverspreide gender discriminatie samen met de veiligheidszorgen die door vrouwelijke voetbalfans en de LGBT gemeenschap worden opgeworpen de Qatar Cup overschaduwen, en het agentschap zal geen verwante visuele inhoud kenmerken of vergunning verlenen. Dreamstime adviseert zijn medewerkers om geen foto’s of beeldmateriaal van het 2022-toernooi te uploaden als ze naar Qatar reizen, maar in plaats daarvan bewustmakingsbeelden te delen die lokale gevoelige sociale onderwerpen weerspiegelen. Bovendien zal het bureau de media die vóór 20 november zijn ingediend, beheren die verband houden met de Qatar World Cup en alleen algemene fotojournalistieke inhoud bewaren.

Dreamstime Joins Boycott of Qatar World Cup, Calls for Awareness Visual Stories Instead

NASHVILLE, Tenn.–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Dreamstime, the world’s largest stock photo community, announces that it will not accept images or footage from the Qatar World Cup in its editorial section. The agency explains that well-documented human rights concerns and the migrant workers’ status and conditions in Qatar have led to the decision to boycott this year’s top sports event.

Dreamstime adds that, despite Qatar’s upheaved economic growth, the poorly addressed modern slavery allegations, repression of journalists, widespread gender discrimination along with safety concerns raised by women football fans and the LGBT community overshadow the Qatar Cup, and the agency will not feature or license related visual content. Dreamstime advises its contributors not to upload photos or footage from the 2022 tournament should they travel to Qatar but rather share awareness visuals that reflect local sensitive social topics instead. In addition, the agency will curate Qatar World Cup-related media submitted before November 20 and keep only generic photojournalistic content.

Joining the boycott gestures worldwide, Dreamstime does not wish the event to be canceled but expects the absence of football-related visuals from the Cup itself to leave room to address the controversies surrounding it and showcase Qatar in a more comprehensive picture. The World Cup comes with great mutual opportunities, benefits, and promises, and this exchange of ideas and commercial assets should not be dismissed. Still, it should motivate and help a country that made significant steps forward to continue reforms until they are on par with the contemporary requirements of such world-class events.

Businesses can and should generate a positive impact on society, whether by corporate responsibility, philanthropy, or taking a stand. Despite recent lamentable calls to stick to just sports, Dreamstime believes it is essential that more rise to the challenge of sending a message and opening honest, constructive dialogues on social and environmental issues as often as possible.

About Dreamstime

Launched in 2000, Dreamstime is now the world’s largest stock photo community featuring 200 million stock media in its library from almost 1 million contributors. Dreamstime has been actively involved in social and community philanthropic endeavors, public education, and environmental awareness campaigns. Read more on Dreamstime’s initiatives and support network.


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