16:49 uur 05-12-2016

Amano Dental Clinic lanceert tandenpoets-app Brush’n’Save – gemaakt door tandarts die dochter wil behoeden voor gaatjes

TOKYO–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Amano Dental Clinic (Director: Kiyoshi Amano) heeft bekendgemaakt vanaf vandaag Dr. Amano’s tandenpoets-app Brush’n’Save in het Engels aan te bieden in 130 landen en regio’s.

Officiële website: https://goo.gl/e3GRj8

Tandenpoets-app gemaakt door een tandarts

Dr. Amano werkt als tandarts en besteedde veel energie aan het maken van deze app. Zijn eigen tienerdochter, die een beetje lui was als het op tandenpoetsen aankwam, was daarbij het uitgangspunt. De app kreeg na lancering veel media-aandacht en is immens populair in Japan. Een groot aantal klinieken beveelt deze app aan als handig hulpmiddel voor instructies bij het tandenpoetsen.




Amano Dental Clinic (Japan) Launches Tooth Brushing App “Brush’n’Save” Created by Active Dentist to Ensure Cavity-Free Life for His Daughter


TOKYO–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Amano Dental Clinic (Director: Kiyoshi Amano) announces that it is now offering Dr. Amano’s originally created brushing app “Brush’n’Save” in an English version to 130 countries and regions all around the world.

This Smart News Release features multimedia. View the full release here: http://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20161205005434/en/

Amano's originally created brushing app "Brush'n'Save" (Graphic: Business Wire)Amano’s originally created brushing app “Brush’n’Save” (Graphic: Business Wire)

Official website: https://goo.gl/e3GRj8

Tooth brushing app created by an active dentist

Dr. Amano, a currently active dentist, put his energy into creating this app thinking of his own teenage daughter, who was a bit lazy about brushing her teeth. He wanted his daughter to enjoy a life without cavities. After its launch, the app has received extensive media coverage and is hugely popular as one of the most downloaded apps in Japan. A large number of dental clinics recommend this app as a great tool for brushing instruction.

Benefits of using “Brush’n’Save”

1. People who are lazy about brushing their teeth are encouraged to brush of their own initiative.
2. The habit of correct brushing is naturally mastered.
3. Saving and competing for scores is fun, providing an incentive to keep at it without getting bored.
4. Following the app instructions for brushing means you won’t miss any spots.
5. Maintaining good oral hygiene helps prevent colds, which are easily transmitted orally.

Creator’s comment

The word “Save” is included in the app name because, if you don’t develop cavities or gum disease in the future, you can “save” the money and time you would otherwise spend on dental treatment.

Outline of the app

Developed and distributed by: Kiyoshi Amano (DDS/MS), Amano Dental Clinic
Official website: https://goo.gl/e3GRj8
iTunes:  https://goo.gl/G8Pa19
Google Play:  https://goo.gl/RHfTGy


For inquiries
Amano Dental Clinic (Tokyo)
Miwako Mori, +81-3-5422-8726
Official website: http://amanodental.com/english/index.html

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