12:43 uur 16-01-2017

RTBF werkt samen met SIAE MICROELETTRONICA aan vernieuwing nationaal microgolfnetwerk

MILAAN–(BUSINESS WIRE)—RTBF, de publieke omroep van Franstalig België, heeft getekend voor een driejarig vernnieuwingsproject dat zijn microgolfnetwerk moderniseert. Met dit project wil RTBF het volledige netwerk upgraden naar een hedendaagse, digitale, draadloze oplossing. Die vervangt de huidige, uiteenlopende uitrusting. Het resultaat faciliteert de bestaande ASI-, E1- en E3-distributie, maar ook de Ethernet-verbindingen. Dit waarborgt de schaalbaarheid en veiligheid van investeringen voor de toekomstige overgang naar een volledig IP-netwerk.

RTBF heeft voor het project SIAE MICROELETTRONICA geselecteerd als exclusieve leverancier van draadloos materieel, een controlesysteem en aanverwante diensten. Het is de uitdaging de overstap soepel te laten verlopen, zodat de radio- en video-uitzendingen in de driejarige overgangsperiode gewaarborgd blijven. De ervaring van SIAE MICROELETTRONICA in omroepnetwerken en transformatiediensten gaf de doorslag bij de gunning van dit project, dat een waarde van enkele miljoenen euro heeft.


RTBF Partners with SIAE MICROELETTRONICA for the Renewal of Its National Microwave Network

MILAN–(BUSINESS WIRE)– RTBF, the public broadcasting organization of the French Community of Belgium, has signed the start of a 3 years renewal project to modernize its microwave network. With this project RTBF aims to upgrade the complete network to a contemporary digital wireless solution, replacing the existing different equipment. The result will support the existing ASI, E1 and E3 distribution as well as Ethernet connectivity, offering the scalability and investment protection for future evolutions towards a full IP network.

For this project, RTBF selected SIAE MICROELETTRONICA as sole supplier for the wireless equipment, management system and all related services. The challenge of the project is to ensure a smooth migration guaranteeing the continuous broadcast of the video and radio channels throughout the 3 years transformation period. SIAE MICROELETTRONICA previous experience in broadcasting networks and in delivering transformation services were a deciding factor in the award of this multimillion euros project.

“With the renewal, RTBF will remove all the end of life equipment in favour of a homogeneous network, drastically reducing the maintenance costs, as well as offering a better service delivery” says Farid Khanouch, EMEA vertical markets Director in SIAE MICROELETTRONICA.

“The new network will be forward looking into a future fully IP solution, facilitating new service introductions and future incremental evolutions. At the same time, we ensure delivery continuity of the traditional ASI and TDM services” says Franco FANTUZZI, Transmission Department Manager in RTBF adding “SIAE MICROELETTRONICA service experience gave us the right confidence to start this project”

SIAE MICROELETTRONICA, founded in 1952, is a leader in wireless communication technology. Present in over 25 countries it offers to national and multinational operators advanced technological solution for microwave and millimetre wave transport, services and design. In 2014 the group has founded SM OPTICS, a company driving innovation in fiber based communication, counting on a proven management and R&D team with 20+ years of experience in the optical domain as well as delivering comprehensive professional services. ” For more information: www.siaemic.com
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