15:05 uur 22-03-2017

Sumitomo Electric vestigt nieuw wereldrecord in laagste communicatieverlies in optische vezel

OSAKA, Japan–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Sumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd.  (TOKYO:5802) (ISIN:JP3407400005) vestigt een nieuw record in verlies van signaal bij optische vezel: 0,1419 dB/km.

Gezien de explosief gestegen vraag naar capaciteit voor communicatiediensten, wordt de roep om verbeterde prestaties van optische communicatiesystemen groter. De reductie van transmissieverlies is een effectieve oplossing voor deze verbeterslag. Sumimoto Electric is al sinds de vermarkting van zijn glasvezel met ultra-laag verlies in 1988 een pionier in vooruitstrevende technologie voor transmissieverliesreductie. Met deze technologieën levert het bedrijf glasvezel met ultralaag verlies, voor commerciële producten met het laagste transmissieverlies.

(Left) Transmission loss spectrum of the fiber that renewed the world record. (Right) The history of loss reduction in ultra-low loss fibers. (Graphic: Business Wire)

(Links) Transmissieverliesspectrum van vezel dat wereldrecord heeft gevestigd. (Rechts) De geschiedenis van de reductie van signaalverlies (Graphic: Business Wire)

Nu heeft Sumitomo Electric een nieuwe stap vooruit gezet in glasvezel en polymeercoating en het transmissieverlies verder verlaagd naar 0,1419 dB/k bij een golflengte van 1560 nm. Daarmee vestigt het bedrijf een nieuw wereldrecord. We zetten ons continu in voor de doorlopende ontwikkeling van technologie voor de allerbeste producten. Zodoende dragen we bij aan een grotere communicatiecapaciteit, met name in onderzeese communicatiesystemen.



Sumitomo Electric Renews World Record of Lowest Loss Optical Fiber

OSAKA, Japan–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Sumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd.  (TOKYO:5802) (ISIN:JP3407400005) has set a new world record for the lowest loss of optical fiber, 0.1419 dB/km.

This Smart News Release features multimedia. View the full release here:http://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20170321005693/en/

As the demand for communication capacity is skyrocketing over the world, there have been increasing needs for improvement in the performance of optical communication systems. For such improvement, reduction in optical fiber’s transmission loss is an effective solution. Since the commercialization of ultra-low loss fiber *1 in 1988, Sumitomo Electric has been pioneering the cutting-edge technologies including transmission loss reduction. With these technologies, the Company has been supplying ultra-low loss fibers that have the lowest transmission losses among the commercial products.

(Left) Transmission loss spectrum of the fiber that renewed the world record. (Right) The history of loss reduction in ultra-low loss fibers. (Graphic: Business Wire)

(Left) Transmission loss spectrum of the fiber that renewed the world record. (Right) The history of loss reduction in ultra-low loss fibers. (Graphic: Business Wire)

Now Sumitomo Electric has advanced the technology of fiber-glass and polymer coating and successfully reduced the transmission loss further down to 0.1419 dB/km at a wavelength of 1560 nm, setting a new world record for the lowest loss of optical fiber. We will continuously develop the technologies for offering the very best products, and contribute to expansion of communication capacity especially in trans-oceanic submarine communication systems.

This work has been accepted as a post-deadline paper *2 at Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC) 2017 held in Los Angeles, and will be presented on March 23, 2017.

• Press release on March 27, 2013
Sumitomo Electric has set a New World Record of the Lowest Optical Transmission Loss and Starts Shipment of Optical Fibers with Low Transmission Loss and Large Effective Core Area Fibers

*1 Ultra-low loss fiber
Optical fiber whose core is composed of pure silica (SiO 2) and has extremely low transmission loss. Most typically, Sumitomo Electric’s Z-PLUS Fiber™ ULL and Z-PLUS Fiber™ 130 ULL have transmission losses as low as 0.152 dB/km at a wavelength of 1550 nm, which are the lowest among the commercial products.

*2 Post-deadline paper
Paper that is regarded as important cutting-edge research work and accepted after the deadline for regular papers.



Sumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd.
Takashi Shiraga / Kanako Fujima, +81-6-6220-4119
Public Relations Dept.
http://global-sei. com/

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