11:50 uur 28-07-2017

XILAM heeft met succes een €15m obligatie uitgifte gedaan op de Euro PP Market

PARIS–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Xilam (Paris:XIL) maakt vandaag bekend dat de uitgifte van de Euro PP-obligaties voltooid is. De €15 miljoen onderhandse plaatsing, terug te betalen op de vervaldag, was aangemeld bij het NOVI 2 fund beheerd door Idinvest Partners in opdracht van institutionele investeerders en een Europese verzekeraar.

De obligaties hebben een looptijd van zes jaar en zullen in twee tranches worden uitgegeven:
De eerste tranche heeft een variabele rentetarief van zes maanden EURIBOR* + 400 bp
De tweede tranche heeft een vast rentetarief van 3,5%.

De uitgifte kent gunstige voorwaarden met opeenvolgende aftrekopties (beperkt tot 18 maanden), waardoor het bedrijf de kosten van de schuld waar nodig kan optimaliseren.

XILAM Successfully Completes €15m Bond Issue on Euro PP Market

PARIS–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Xilam (Paris:XIL) today announced the completion of its Euro PP bond issue. The €15 million private placement, repayable at maturity, was subscribed by the NOVI 2 fund managed by Idinvest Partners on behalf of institutional investors and by a European insurer.

The bonds have a 6-year maturity, and will be issued in two tranches:

  • The first tranche will be at a variable rate of 6-month EURIBOR* + 400 bp
  • The second tranche will be at a fixed rate of 3.5%.

Favourable terms were obtained for the issue with successive drawdown options (limited to 18 months), which will allow the company to optimise the cost of its debt according to its needs.

Xilam was advised on the transaction by Euroland Corporate.

We are delighted to have successfully completed this financing transaction which offers XILAM additional resources to pursue its aggressive development strategy both organically and through targeted acquisitions,” commented Marc de Pontavice, Xilam’s CEO.


A floor has been set for 6-month EURIBOR at -0.20%, with a cap of +0.26%

About Xilam

Xilam is one of Europe’s leading animation companies, producing and distributing original children’s and family entertainment content in both 2D and 3D formats across TV, film and digital media platforms.

Founded in 1995 by Marc du Pontavice, Xilam owns a catalogue of more than 2,000 animated episodes and 3 feature films including strong brands such as Oggy & the Cockroaches, Zig & Sharko, The Daltons, Rolling with the Ronks! and its first pre-school series, Paprika.

Broadcast in over 160 countries on all the major TV networks, these series are also breaking audience records on all the major digital platforms, including YouTube with over 2.2 billion views in 2016, ranking Xilam as one of the top global content providers in animation.

Xilam employs more than 400 people, including 300 artists, who are based across its four studios located in Paris, Lyon, Angoulême and Ho-Chi-Minh City in Vietnam.

Xilam is listed on Euronext Paris / Ticker: XIL / ISIN code: FR0004034072. Xilam is eligible for the PEA-PME investment scheme.

About NOVI 2 managed by Idinvest Partners

Since July 2015, Idinvest Partners has a team dedicated to managing the new Novi 2 fund on behalf of 24 institutional investors. A key component in reviving investment in Franc, Novi is an investment fund created by the Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations (CDC) initiative to
finance innovative and growing SMEs. It offers access to debt financing, and/or Quasi-equity financing, and/or equity financing. The Novi fund is able to support eligible companies over a period of 21 years.


Marc du Pontavice – Chairman and CEO
Bardoux – CFO
Tel: (33) 01 40 18 72 00

Marie-Claire Martin, +33 1 58 18 56 69
& Holt
Claire Guermond, +33 1 79 74 80 13

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