19:20 uur 13-10-2017

TRUSTECH, grootste evenement voor vertrouwenstechnologie, presenteert conferentie over cyberveiligheid

PARIJS–(BUSINESS WIRE)– De editie 2017 van het wereldwijd toonaangevende evenement voor veilige betalingen, identificatie en connectiviteit steunt op een hoogwaardig conferentieprogramma, waaronder een eendaagse conferentie over: 

Cybersecurity & Fraud Management

30 november – 10.15 tot 11.50 uur

Manipulatie van klantaccounts, aanvallen op kasstromen en geldtransacties, blokkades, spionage en diefstal van immateriële goederen en bedrijfsspionage zijn voorbeelden van zaken waarmee iedere organisatie mee moet omgaan. Deze sessie behandelt de evolutie van cybergevaren, detectie van inbraak en preventie, IT-beveiliging, detectiefuncties binnen en buiten de organisatie, identificatie en verbeterde authenticatiemethoden, APT-beperkingen, forensisch onderzoek, cyberaudits en crisisbeheer.

TRUSTECH the Largest Event Dedicated to Trust-Based Technologies is Presenting Its Conference on Cybersecurity

PARIS–(BUSINESS WIRE)– For its 2017 edition, the world leading event dedicated to secure payment, identification and connectivity will include a high-level conference programme among which a one-day conference track on:

Cybersecurity & Fraud Management

30th of November – 10h15 / 11h45

Customer accounts manipulation, assaults on cash flows and money transfers, blocking, spying or stealing intangible assets, creating industrial control system flows are a few examples of what every organization needs to cope with rising against strategic impact threats. This track addresses cyber risks evolution, intrusion detection and threat prevention, information security management, detection capabilities inside and outside the organization, identification and authentication strengthening practices, APT circumscription and forensic investigations, cyber audit practices and crisis management.

This conference will be chaired by Jon Geater, who is CTO at Thalès:

“In a world that is increasingly complex and increasingly connected, trust and security are becoming increasingly important areas of collaboration. Security technology only works when it is not only well designed but also well understood and properly deployed: and when multiple technologies are all trying to play together – such as in IoT – the opportunities for mistakes and mistrust are huge. By bringing together the most focused minds in Cybersecurity to discuss, refine, and improve our shared understanding of modern security in the connected world we can create a world that is better, faster, and safer.”

More information and accreditation on www.trustech-event.com

About TRUSTECH (Incorporating Cartes): The event was first held over thirty years ago under the name “CARTES Secure Connexions”, to promote the new-born technology of smartcards. Now it has been re-named “TRUSTECH (incorporating CARTES)”, to better reflect the way the industry and the event have evolved, and its focus on trust-based technologies.


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Sandra Codognotto, +33 1 53 32 28 58

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