19:02 uur 17-10-2017

1 miljoen online transacties via MOTION CODE™ bij Société Générale

COLOMBES, France–(BUSINESS WIRE)– IDEMIA, internationaal leider in beveiligde identiteiten in een steeds digitalere wereld, heeft vandaag een nieuwe mijlpaal aangekondigd: 1 miljoen online transacties via MOTION CODETM bij Société Générale.

Société Générale was een van de eerste banken ter wereld die MOTION CODE™ lanceerde, de nieuwe generatie betaalkaart met geïntegreerde dynamische veiligheidscode van IDEMIA (voorheen bekend als OT-Morpho). Dit systeem vervangt de drie cijfers van de cryptogram die op de achterkant van de kaart staat door een klein schermpje dat ieder uur een nieuw, dynamische code toont. In het geval van diefstal van kaartgegevens, worden de drie getallen uit de cryptogram al snel nutteloos, waardoor fraudeurs de gegevens niet meer kunnen gebruiken op bijvoorbeeld e-commercesites.


1 Million MOTION CODE™ Online Transactions With Société Générale

COLOMBES, France–(BUSINESS WIRE)– IDEMIA, the global leader in trusted identities for an increasingly digital world, today announced the milestone of 1 million MOTION CODETM online transactions with Société Générale.

Société Générale was one of the first banks worldwide to launch MOTION CODE™, the next-generation card integrating a dynamic security code by IDEMIA (formerly known as OT-Morpho). This solution consists in replacing the 3 digits of the cryptogram printed on the back of the card with a small screen displaying a new “dynamic” code every hour. Thus, in case of piracy of the bank card’s data, the 3 digits of the cryptogram quickly become obsolete, preventing fraudsters from reusing data, especially on e-commerce sites. After successful testing among more than 500 people in 2016, Société Générale started offering MOTION CODE™ to all their French customers early 2017. In less than 10 months, the results illustrate this incredible commercial launch, existing customer and new customer’s adoption. In brief:

  • Significant milestone: 1 million online transactions made with the dynamic cryptogram card
  • Massive adoption: more than 200 thousand cards issued
  • Attractive offer: 8% of Motion Code cards are newly issued cards
  • The best launch of Société Générale cards ever

“Société Générale is very proud to be the first bank to offer to all its customers this innovative solution that reinforces the security of online transactions. As it does not change customer habits, it is very easy for them to adopt it and we have seen strong customer demand. Société Générale as one of the leading e-commerce banks in France, wants to continue to strengthen the security of online payments while making our customers’ everyday lives easier”, said Philippe Marquetty, Société Générale, Head of payment and cash management products.

“IDEMIA’s main concern is to help banks make their customers’ lives more secure and convenient: with MOTION CODE™ we are fully answering this mission, by securing CNP transactions and decreasing the cases of fraud. End-users feel more secure and can e-shop with no worries and no change. This project carried together by Société Générale and IDEMIA has confirmed MOTION CODE™ value and leadership worldwide. MOTION CODE™ also helped Société Générale stand out among consumers with an innovative product”, said Eric Duforest, Executive Vice-President, Financial Institutions business at IDEMIA.



Press contacts
Julien Tahmissian, T + 33 (0)1 58 47 90 54
Niels Gaubert, T + 33 (0)6 13 39 33 36


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