14:12 uur 13-02-2018

WhereScape automatiseert real-time datastreaming voor geavanceerde analysemiddelen

Geautomatiseerde streaming stelt IT-teams in staat efficiënter en kosteneffectiever real-time streamingdata te integreren in bestaande data-infrastructuur

PORTLAND, Ore.–(BUSINESS WIRE)– WhereScape, toonaangevende provider van software voor de automatisering van data-infrastructuur, heeft vandaag bekendgemaakt dat WhereScape-automatisering beschikbaar is voor Streaming, wat IT-teams in staat stelt datastromen en de verwerking daarvan te automatiseren binnen de bestaande datastructuur van een organisatie. Streaming voorziet organisaties van de capaciteit en flexibiliteit om de toenemende hoeveelheden data uit IoT, social media en andere bronnen tot zich te nemen en te verwerken, naast traditionele, in partijen aangeleverde databronnen.

In tegenstelling tot data die in partijen worden aangeleverd – zoals in sets op een regelmatige basis (bijvoorbeeld per uur, dagelijks, of maandelijks) – zijn direct aangeleverde of gestreamde datastromen tijdsgevoeliger, omvangrijker en al dan niet van langdurige waarde om te behouden of op te slaan na verwerking.



WhereScape to Deliver Automation for Real-Time Data Streaming to Enable Advanced Analytics

Automated streaming enables IT teams to efficiently and cost-effectively integrate real-time streaming data within existing data infrastructures

PORTLAND, Ore.–(BUSINESS WIRE)– WhereScape, the leading provider of data infrastructure automation software, today announced the availability of WhereScape automation with Streaming, enabling IT teams to automate real-time data flows and processing within an organization’s existing data infrastructure. Streaming provides organizations with the capability and flexibility to ingest and process the increasing availability of IoT, social media and other streaming data sources and manage it alongside traditional, batch-based data sources.

Unlike traditional batch-based data flows, where data is loaded in sets on a regular basis (i.e. hourly, daily or monthly), real-time or streaming data flows are often more time-sensitive to analyze, of larger volume and may or may not be of long-term value to persist or store within a company’s data landscape after processing.

WhereScape automation with Streaming helps IT teams address the added complexity of managing a hybrid of streaming real-time and traditional batch-based data as they design, develop, deploy and operate their data infrastructure, speeding up data delivery and providing new analytical opportunities.

“Being able to strengthen our organization’s capabilities to leverage real-time data will enable us to better serve our customers by providing streaming operational measures against historical performance data and key performance indicators, improving transit service in real-time,” said Gadi Glogowski, product line manager at Clever Devices. “WhereScape automation with Streaming will help us to automate the management of real-time dataflows, reducing time to market, R&D investment, our customers’ total cost of ownership and better matching the speed of our business.”

Real-time data flows, or “streaming” data sources, can come from many areas in an organization’s data landscape including from in-field units sharing sensor-based data, from social media feeds to support sentiment analysis, and from internal systems feeds. Utilizing industry-leading dataflow management technology developed by StreamSets and the proven efficiencies of WhereScape automation solutions WhereScape RED or WhereScape Data Vault Express, WhereScape automation with Streaming minimizes the learning curve for IT teams working with these new data sources and ensures best practice integration of streaming data.

“With its unique approach to automation, WhereScape is making it far easier for established organizations to leverage both real-time streaming data and traditional batch-based data at scale,” said Jobi George, VP of business development at StreamSets. “StreamSets’ proven streaming dataflow management technology is used by hundreds of companies worldwide so we’re excited to support the delivery of this solution and make streaming data possible for everyone.”

“We, at 451 Research, are seeing increasing interest in stream-based processing from mainstream companies, but many companies are lacking the internal resources and skillsets to know how to pursue the integration of these new technologies effectively and efficiently,” explained Matt Aslett, research director at 451 Research. “Streaming data automation can fill that gap for organizations, ensuring best practice integration, and enabling them to make the most of the opportunity real-time data provides within their existing data infrastructures.”

“Businesses understand the significant potential that being able to take advantage of real-time data offers to their organizations. However, IT teams – already stretched for time – now face the added challenge of understanding and incorporating these new data sources and streaming-related technologies into their analytics environments,” said Mark Budzinski, CEO at WhereScape. “WhereScape automation can ease the learning curve and process of integrating this new data paradigm.”

WhereScape automation with Streaming will debut this week at the TDWI Las Vegas conference. WhereScape will additionally discuss and show the value of Streaming automation in an upcoming March 1 webcast co-hosted by managing research director John L. Myers of Enterprise Management Associates and WhereScape CTO Neil Barton. Registration details for the event can be found here.

You can learn more about WhereScape automation with Streaming here.

About WhereScape

WhereScape helps IT organizations of all sizes leverage automation to design, develop, deploy, and operate data infrastructure faster. More than 700 customers worldwide rely on WhereScape automation to eliminate hand-coding and other repetitive, time-intensive aspects of data infrastructure projects to deliver data warehouses, vaults, lakes and marts in days or weeks rather than in months or years. WhereScape has offices in Portland, Oregon; Reading, UK; Auckland, New Zealand; and Singapore. For more information, please visit www.wherescape.com

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