Shahzaib Trunkwala verkozen tot vicepresident van de International Socca Federation
ISF opgericht om 2,1 miljard spelers over de hele wereld te helpen
International Socca Federation verkiest dhr. Thanos Papadopoulos als mede-CEO van de federatie
DUBAI, Verenigde Arabische–(BUSINESS WIRE)– De eerste bijeenkomst van de International Socca Federation (ISF) is bijgewoond door 52 vertegenwoordigers van 25 lidstaten, naast 10 landen die zich hebben aangemeld voor lidmaatschap. De aanwezigen waren unaniem lovend over de oprichting van een wereldwijde federatie voor voetbals in teams van 5, 6, 7 of 8 spelers. De federatie streeft ernaar de 2,1 miljard spelers van voetbal in kleine teams over de hele wereld te vertegenwoordigen.
Na zijn verkiezing zei Trunkwala : “Conform mijn inspanningen om de sport socca verder te ontwikkelen heb ik verschillende landen in Zuid-Azië, het Midden-Oosten en de Golfregio bezocht. Die reizen vallen in het kader van de bredere voorbereidingen voor het Wereldkampioenschap Socca, dat in oktober 2018 in Lissabon in Portugal plaatsvindt.”
Shahzaib Trunkwala Elected as Vice President of the International Socca Federation
ISF formed to facilitate 2.1 billion players across the world
The International Socca Federation also elects Mr. Thanos Papadopoulos as the Joint CEO of the Federation
DUBAI, United Arab Emirates–(BUSINESS WIRE)– The inaugural meeting of the International Socca Federation (ISF) was attended by 52 representatives from 25 member countries along with 10 countries submitting membership applications. The attendees unanimously lauded the establishment of a global federation for 5, 6, 7 and 8 a-side football format. The federation aims to represent the 2.1 billion players of small-sided football across the globe.
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Group photo during the event (Photo: AETOSWire)
Following his election, Trunkwala said, “In line with my efforts to develop the Socca sport, I have visited several countries in South Asia, Middle East and the Gulf region. These efforts come as part of the wider preparations for the Socca World Cup scheduled to be held in Lisbon, Portugal in October 2018.”
For his part Mr. Papadopoulos informed that the aim of ISF is to bring underprivileged but talented masses to the beautiful game.
The meeting also resulted in the decision that many international and regional tournaments will also be held under ISF in 2019 including European Champions Cup.
To view photos from the event, please visit:
*Source: AETOSWire
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Hannah Wallis, +4423401230333
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