11:10 uur 22-03-2018

Energie door onderwijs! De Renewables Academy AG (RENAC) viert 10 jaar succes in wereldwijde verspreiding van kennis over duurzame energie en energie-efficiëntie

BERLIJN–(BUSINESS WIRE)– The Renewables Academy AG (RENAC) uit Berlijn (Duitsland) viert met trots zijn tiende jubileum. Sinds haar oprichting in 2008 is RENAC uitgegroeid tot een belangrijke en innovatieve provider van internationale opleidingen en capaciteitsontwikkeling voor duurzame energie en energie-efficiëntie in mondiale context. Meer dan 10.000 mensen uit 140 landen hebben deelgenomen aan programma’s van RENAC.

Berthold Breid, de oprichter en directeur van RENAC, droomde er in 2008 van bij te dragen aan een groeiende markt voor groene energie door de uitwisseling van kennis en expertise over duurzame energie en energie-efficiëntie. “Kennis is een van de belangrijkste factoren voor de duurzame ontwikkeling van schone en veilige energie”, zei de heer Breid. “We willen met onze activiteiten inspelen op de vraag naar expertise binnen de gehele publieke sector, private sector, financiële sector en bij potentiële investeerders in groene energie. Dankzij onze deelnemers, cliënten, partners en natuurlijk alle medewerkers van RENAC is deze droom bewaarheid geworden.”



Energy Through Education! The Renewables Academy AG (RENAC) Celebrates 10 Successful Years of Disseminating Know-How on Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency around the World

BERLIN–(BUSINESS WIRE)– The Renewables Academy AG (RENAC), based in Berlin (Germany), is very proud to celebrate its 10th anniversary. Since its founding in 2008, RENAC has become an important and innovative provider of international trainings and capacity building for renewable energy and energy efficiency all around the world. More than 10,000 participants from over 140 countries have joined RENAC programmes.

In 2008, Berthold Breid, RENAC’s founder and director, had the dream to support the international development of green energy markets through know-how transfer and exchange of expertise on renewable energy and energy efficiency. “Knowledge is one of the key factors for the sustainable development of clean and secure energy supplies”, said Mr. Breid. “Through our activities, we aim at satisfying the increasing demand for expertise throughout the public sector, private sector, finance sector, and potential investors in the green energy markets. Thanks to our participants, clients, partners, and, of course, the RENAC team, this dream has been possible.”

One of the first big projects was TREE – Transfer Renewable Energy and Efficiency. TREE offered comprehensive training on technical, legal and economic aspects of renewable energy technologies for participants from 90 countries. Since then, RENAC has implemented more than 500 capacity buildings projects worldwide. Some of the many success stories include the design and installation of Training Centres and regional Train-the-Trainer seminars at Wigton Windfarm (Jamaica) as well as at the EARTH University (Costa Rica), the programme Green Banking -Capacity Building on Green Energy and Climate Finance for the finance sector and trainings on grid integration of renewable energy.

RENAC also offers the academic degrees MBA Renewables -in collaboration with the Beuth University of Applied Sciences – and Especialización en Energías Renovables – together with the Earth University-, as well as a wide variety of face-to-face and online open trainings. Additionally, as consultant for the German Energy Solutions Initiative of the Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy, RENAC has organised about 350 events for German companies so far.

For further information on RENAC trainings and services, please visit www.renac.de.


Elena Cantos
Renewables Academy AG
Head of PR & Marketing
+49(0)30-526 895 8 – 70

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