13:14 uur 27-03-2018

Assure BrandPanels gelanceerd waarmee fraude in farmaceutisch marktonderzoek kan worden geëlimineerd

Nieuw product maakt gebruikt van AI en Machine Learning om valse data op te sporen en te verwijderen

NEW YORK & LONDEN–(BUSINESS WIRE)– PSL Group introduceert vandaag Assure BrandPanels waarmee fraude in farmaceutisch marktonderzoek kan worden opgespoord en aangepakt. Het Duitse medium Der Spiegel schreef hier onlangs over. Tijdens een diepteonderzoek naar 600 marktstudies, waaronder studies door artsen, bracht Der Spiegel een systematische manipulatie door vooraanstaande marktleiders voor het voetlicht. Assure BrandPanels is een nieuw product dat gebruikmaakt van kunstmatige intelligentie en machine learning om snel foutieve en gemanipuleerde data uit onderzoeksresultaten te filteren.


Assure BrandPanels Launched to Eliminate Fraud in Pharmaceutical Market Research

New Product Leverages AI and Machine Learning to Detect and Remove Fake Data

NEW YORK & LONDON–(BUSINESS WIRE)– PSL Group today introduced Assure BrandPanels to address fraud in pharmaceutical market research, as most recently highlighted by the German news organisation Der Spiegel. During an in-depth investigation encompassing 600 market research studies, including those containing physicians, Der Spiegel uncovered systematic manipulation in the industry leading to fraudulent data. Assure BrandPanels is a new product that applies artificial intelligence and machine learning to quickly uncover and prevent bad actors from infiltrating research samples.

The Der Spiegel investigation is the latest to put a spotlight on this growing threat. More and more market research samples contain fake respondents, fake credentials and fake answers, making any decisions based on the study results perilous. Many industry insiders are concerned about these threats, but don’t currently have an effective way to address them.

“Essentially today we have a system whereby a large chain of suppliers are involved in a given MR project and there is no certified way to detect fake data. This systemic problem can result in fraudulent data being used to make important decisions,” said Asif Javed, C.E.O. of Assure BrandPanels. “Assure BrandPanels applies machine learning and artificial intelligence to detect and eliminate bad respondents such as bots, Russian and Eastern European hackers and other non-physicians, all pretending to be someone they are not.”

About Assure BrandPanels

Assure BrandPanels is a custom-assembled panel comprised of a client’s target physicians, used for generating sample frames for market research recruitment. Utilising the latest developments in artificial intelligence and machine learning, Assure BrandPanels eliminates fake respondents, fake credentials and fake answers from market research samples, ensuring all respondents are verified, vetted and valued.

To learn more about Assure BrandPanels, visit www.assurepanels.com

About PSL Group

PSL Group is a global organisation dedicated to putting information at the service of medicine. The companies and people of the PSL Group aim to improve medical care by serving those who need it, those who provide it and those who seek to improve it. Our clients include research-based health sciences companies and other healthcare institutions who seek the advancement of medicine. Our primary business purpose is to help these clients increase the effectiveness, as well as lower the cost, of activities pertaining to scientific communication, medical publishing or product/service marketing. Learn more at www.pslgroup.com.



Assure BrandPanels
Asif Javed, +44(0) 7720 880 842

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