10:25 uur 07-05-2018

Blake2B, CryptoNight en Equihash ASIC Cloud Mining beschikbaar bij HashGains

 DELAWARE CITY, Del.–(BUSINESS WIRE)– In de groeiende cryptocurrency mining-industrie zijn investeerders constant op zoek naar betere marges en hebben daarom een goede reden om het toonaangevende cloud mining-bedrijf HashGains aan te moedigen. Het bedrijf heeft ervoor gezorgd dat Bitcoin, Ethereum en andere cryptocurrency mining rendement oplevert voor meer dan 10.000 klanten.

HashGains is de eerste die Blake2B, CryptoNight en Equihash algoritmes mining-dienstverlening introduceert via hun geavanceerde en geautomatiseerde platform, dat ASIC (Application specific integrated circuit) machines gebruikt.

Het ontginnen van valuta zoals Siacoin (SC), Monero (XMR), Bitcoin Gold (BTG), Zcash (ZEC), Bytom (BTM), etc. was eerst alleen mogelijk door middel van een GPU platform, maar met de introductie van ASIC cloud mining kunnen deze valuta erg winstgevend worden, vergeleken met Bitcoin en Ethereum, etc. Mining-rendement is afhankelijk van verschillende factoren zoals de moeilijkheidsgraad en competitie, maar op het moment geeft Monero het hoogste rendement op investeringen van meer dan 700%.

Blake2B, CryptoNight and Equihash ASIC Cloud Mining available at HashGains

DELAWARE CITY, Del.–(BUSINESS WIRE)– In the booming cryptocurrency mining industry, investors are continuously on the hunt for better margins and have got serious reasons to cheer for the leading cloud mining company HashGains. The company has over 10,000 customers enjoying returns from Bitcoin mining, ethereum mining and other altcoins.

HashGains has become the first player to introduce Blake2B, CryptoNight and Equihash algorithm’s mining services from its highly advanced and automated platform using ASIC (Application specific integrated circuit) machines.

Mining for currencies like Siacoin (SC), Monero (XMR), Bitcoin Gold(BTG), Zcash (ZEC), Bytom (BTM) etc. was only possible through a GPU platform but with the introduction of ASIC cloud mining all these currencies have become highly profitable in comparison to mining of Bitcoin and Ethereum etc. Mining returns are variable depending on various factors like difficulty levels and competition but at the moment Monero seems to be giving highest ROI of over 700%.

Unlike other companies, HashGains is highly transparent and provides a complete view of mining returns by way of its mining returns calculator to all its customers.

HashGains is also introducing mining services where customers can choose the algorithm and mining currency of their choice which will enable users to pick the profitable mining options. The company assures the delivery of mining services of Monero, Zcash, Bytom & Ethereum ASIC Mining within 24 hours of order. HashGains is known for transparency and timely payouts to thousands of investors.

HashGains crowdsale program is a huge success!

HashGains has successfully concluded its crowdsale program on 30th April 2018 with total collections of $9.1 million from its HGS token sale which would help us to start one of the two data centers planned. A total of 12,6,58,650 tokens have been sold at an average price of $0.72 per token.

HashGains has launched the ICO program with the name of HGS token in order to build mega eco-friendly cloud mining data centers which runs on renewable energy sources (solar and wind) in Canada and India.

Promoted by Cyfuture, a renowned name in cloud data centers with over 15 years of experience and serving some Fortune 500 companies, HashGains is a constantly growing platform with more than 10,000 customers.



Manjari Singh
US Toll Free : +1-888-889-3335


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