organiseert webinar over gebruik lichaamsmateriaal bij ontwikkeling geneesmiddelen met internationale vooraanstaande experts
Forum voor over het toenemend gebruik van lichaamsmateriaal bij de ontdekking en ontwikkeling van geneesmiddelen, de online marktplaats voor de outsourcing van biowetenschappelijk onderzoek, kondigde vandaag aan dat het een panel van deskundigen over het gebruik van lichaamsmateriaal in geneesmiddelenonderzoek heeft samengesteld.
Het webinar, dat op 14 mei 2018 om 9.30 uur wordt gehouden, zal een verscheidenheid aan onderwerpen behandelen, waaronder de duurzaamheid van biobanken, de regelgeving met betrekking tot menselijke biospecimens en de potentiële voordelen van preconcurrentiële samenwerking.
“Lichaamsmateriaal wordt in toenemende mate gebruikt in alle aspecten van preklinisch en klinisch onderzoek. Dit is een fantastische kans voor verschillende belanghebbenden om perspectieven te delen die de gehele onderzoeksgemeenschap ten goede zullen komen” , zegt Matt McLoughlin, Sr. Director of Compliance at Hosts Human Biospecimen Webinar Featuring International Panel of Industry Thought Leaders
Forum to discuss the increasing use of human biological samples in drug discovery and development, the life science industry’s leading online marketplace for outsourced research services, announced today that it has assembled a panel of global experts on the use of human biospecimens in drug research. Set for May 14, 2018, at 9:30am EDT, the webinar will cover a variety of topics, including the sustainability of biobanks, the regulations surrounding human biospecimens and the potential benefits of pre-competitive collaboration.
“We are excited to have assembled such a distinguished panel on one of the most important topics within the life science community today—the use of human biospecimens in drug discovery,” said Matt McLoughlin, Sr. Director of Compliance at “Human biospecimens are increasingly being used in all aspects of pre-clinical and clinical research. This is a fantastic opportunity for different stakeholders to share perspectives that will benefit the entire research community.”
The panel consists of experts in biobanking, international governance, compliance assessment and sample acquisition, including Dr. Sam Jackson of the UK-based National Centre for the Replacement, Refinement & Reduction of Animals in Research (NC3R); Erik Steinfelder, Director General of the Biobanking and Biomolecular Resources Research Infrastructure-European Research Infrastructure Consortium (BBMRI-ERIC); Matt McLoughlin,’s Senior Director of Compliance; and Dr. Sonja Grosskinsky of Lonza, a Switzerland-based life science solutions provider.
Go here to register for the free webinar, “Human Biological Samples: Promoting Collaboration Within the Research Community to Advance Drug Discovery.”
About is the world’s leading marketplace for outsourced research. The marketplace simplifies the entire research sourcing process, saving time and money and providing access to the latest innovative tools and technologies while maintaining full compliance with an organization’s procurement policies. operates private enterprise marketplaces for most of the world’s major pharmaceutical companies, VWR and the US National Institutes of Health (NIH). Since its founding in 2007, has raised more than $33 million from Leerink Transformation Partners, 5AM Ventures, Heritage Provider Network, Bootstrap Ventures and Hollywood producer Jack Giarraputo among others. Visit to learn more.
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Sean Preci
Director of Communications
+1 858 455-1300 ext. 401