Catherine Michel, CTO van Sigma Systems, onderscheiden met TM Forum Excellence Award
De prestigieuze onderscheiding van TM Forum voor CTO van het Jaar erkent dat Michel een significante bijdrage levert aan de versnelling van digitale transformatie in de industrie.
Sigma Systems, de wereldleider in catalogus-gestuurde software, kondigde vandaag aan dat CTO Catherine Michel de winnaar is van de TM Forum CTO van het Jaar 2018-verkiezing.
Sinds 2007 bekroont TM Forum’s Excellence Awards ‘s werelds toonaangevende bedrijven voor hun innovatieve prestaties op het gebied van digitale transformatie, bedrijfs- en IT-flexibiliteit, klantgerichtheid, brancheoverkoepelende samenwerking en product- en service-innovatie.
“Gefeliciteerd aan Catherine voor haar bekroning in de TM Forum Excellence Awards van dit jaar”, zei Nik Willetts, president en CEO van TM Forum.
Sigma Systems CTO Catherine Michel Honored with TM Forum Excellence Award
TM Forum’s prestigious award for CTO of the Year recognizes the individual making a significant contribution to the acceleration of digital transformation throughout the industry
Sigma Systems, the global leader in catalog-driven software, today announced that its CTO, Catherine Michel, is the recipient of the TM Forum CTO of the Year 2018 Award.
Since 2007, TM Forum’s Excellence Awards recognizes the world’s leading companies for their innovative achievements spanning digital transformation, business and IT agility, customer centricity, cross-industry partnering and collaboration, and product and service innovation.
“Congratulations to Catherine for her achievement in this year’s TM Forum Excellence Awards,” Said Nik Willetts, President & CEO, TM Forum.
“Operational and solution excellence, innovation, and digital industry leadership exemplify the winners of this prestigious award. Our sincere congratulations to Sigma and Catherine for playing their part in accelerating digital transformation, and our thanks for their commitment to TM Forum, our members and the telecoms industry as a whole.”
Catherine commented at the award’s ceremony:
“On behalf of everyone in Sigma, I am so excited to have won this award because it recognizes the innovative work we do to help our customers dominate the digital disruption that the industry is experiencing. I love this industry and especially the opportunity to work with and be inspired by service providers across the globe. Thank you to the TM Forum for this honor and thank you to the industry that drives me on a daily basis.”
For more of Catherine’s insights into digital transformation, see a selection of her talks, including placing the digital catalog at the heart of operations and dynamic offer creation in the digital economy.
The winners of TM Forum’s 2018 Excellence Awards were judged by an impartial and independent panel of leading industry experts analysts including; Pascal Viginier – Group CEO Advisor at Orange, Sandra De Zoysa – Group Chief Customer Officer at Dialog Axiata PLC, George Glass – Chief Systems Architect at BT, Camille Mendler – Lead Analyst at Ovum, Justin van der Lande – Principal Analyst at Analysis Mason, Keith Willetts – Founder and Former Chairman & CEO of TM Forum, and Julie Wood-Moss – Board Advisor to Boston Consulting Group, Agent 3/Next 15, Dial Partners LLP.
About Sigma Systems ( or Twitter @SigmaSystems)
Sigma Systems is the global leader in catalog-driven software solutions for communications, media, and high-tech companies. It serves over 80 customers in 40 countries with its award-winning products. The company’s portfolio spans enterprise-wide Catalog, Configure Price Quote (CPQ), Order Management, Provisioning and Insights products in addition to offering a core set of services including professional services, cloud services, and managed services. Sigma utilizes an agile approach to implementing its B/OSS products for its customers. Sigma has offices in North and South America, Europe and Asia Pacific, with technology and integration partners globally.
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Milner Strategic Marketing Ltd.
Chloe Purcell
Head of PR
+44 1473 633123
Sigma Systems
Glenn Gibson
VP Marketing