09:54 uur 22-05-2018

Sofinnova Partners Benoemt Dr. Martin T. Rothman tot Venture Partner


Sofinnova Partners versterkt haar team aanzienlijk met een internationaal gerenommeerde arts en ondernemer

Sofinnova Partners, een toonaangevende Europese durfkapitaalverstrekker gespecialiseerd in biowetenschappen, heeft Dr. Martin T. Rothman aangesteld als venture partner. Dr. Rothman brengt veertig jaar ervaring en een sterk internationaal netwerk op medisch gebied mee naar Sofinnova Partners.

Als Venture Partner zal Dr. Rothman zich richten op het helpen van het team bij het identificeren en evalueren van veelbelovende bedrijven op het gebied van medische hulpmiddelen en op het begeleiden van ondernemers en artsen bij het lanceren van klinische innovaties. Sofinnova Partners en Dr. Rothman werken al vele jaren nauw samen. Dr. Rothman is oprichter van LimFlow en onafhankelijk bestuurslid van HighLife, beide portfoliobedrijven van Sofinnova Partners.

Sofinnova Partners Appoints Dr. Martin T. Rothman as Venture Partner


Sofinnova Partners significantly reinforces its team with an internationally renowned physician and entrepreneur

Sofinnova Partners, a leading European venture capital firm specialized in Life Sciences, has appointed Dr. Martin T. Rothman as Venture Partner. Dr. Rothman brings forty years of experience and a strong international network in the medical field to Sofinnova Partners.

As Venture Partner, Dr. Rothman will focus on helping the team identify and evaluate promising medical device companies and on mentoring entrepreneurs and physicians launching clinical innovations. Sofinnova Partners and Dr. Rothman have closely collaborated over many years. Dr. Rothman is the founder of LimFlow and an independent board member of HighLife, both portfolio companies of Sofinnova Partners. Until recently, he was Vice President of medical affairs for coronary, structural heart and renal denervation for Medtronic, based in Santa Rosa (CA), a position he held since 2010. He was involved in the development of the renal denervation program, the Trans-Aortic Valve Replacement program, and the Medtronic percutaneous mitral regurgitation program, including Twelve and the development of its Intrepid product and associated clinical strategy. Dr. Rothman previously practiced during 37 years in the U.K. as an interventional cardiologist, including 27 years at the London Chest Hospital (Barts and the London NHS Trust), where he has served for more than a decade as director of cardiac research and development. He is world renowned for his contributions to clinical research, training and education, and medical technology innovation in cardiovascular medicine. A regular presenter at medical meetings and author of peer-reviewed journal articles, Dr. Rothman has conducted many clinical trials related to interventional cardiology. As a true pioneer and leader in interventional cardiology, he has contributed to the development of numerous innovative medical technology for interventional cardiology.

Dr. Rothman also currently holds several positions in start-up companies in the cardiovascular field, some as a founder and based on his own inventions.

Dr. Martin T. Rothman says: “I am thrilled to join Sofinnova Partners’ team as Venture Partner. We share a common vision of entrepreneurship and a passion for bringing innovative therapies to patients and the medical community”.

Antoine Papiernik, Managing Partner and Chairman of Sofinnova Partners, adds: “Martin is an exceptional physician and repeat entrepreneur. His experience ideally complements our team and represents a key asset for Sofinnova Partners at a time when our activity is growing”.

About Sofinnova Partners

Sofinnova Partners is a leading European venture capital firm specialized in Life Sciences. Based in Paris, France, the firm brings together a team of professionals from all over Europe, the US and China. The firm focuses on paradigm shifting technologies alongside visionary entrepreneurs. Sofinnova Partners seeks to invest as a lead or cornerstone investor in seed, start-ups, corporate spin-offs and late stage companies. It has backed nearly 500 companies over more than 45 years, creating market leaders around the globe. Today, Sofinnova Partners has over €1.9 billion under management.

For more information: www.sofinnova.fr


Anne REIN, +33 6 03 35 92 05
@: anne.rein@strategiesimage.com

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