09:54 uur 06-06-2018

Van geüpgrade overbruggingssystemen tot een uitgebreid scala aan bewakings- en cyberbeveiligingsoplossingen: laatste Innovaties van de CNIM voor de strijdkrachten

PARIJS – (BUSINESS WIRE) – Als toonaangevende speler in Defensie & Veiligheid in Frankrijk en internationaal, presenteert de CNIM Groep op haar stand H 267|Hall 5A haar innovatieve systemen en uitrusting voor de Projectie en Bescherming van de Strijdkrachten.

Dit persbericht bevat multimedia. Bekijk de volledige versie hier: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20180605006781/en/

In het licht van de veranderende dreigingen en capaciteitsbehoeften biedt CNIM op maat gesneden oversteekoplossingen, terwijl haar dochteronderneming Bertin Technologies haar productengamma op het gebied van optronica en CBRN-dreigingsdetectie verder uitbreidt.

Bertin biedt nu een breder gamma aan Surveillance-oplossingen na de overname in 2017 van Exensor, wereldleider in de levering van sensoren en netwerken voor de bescherming van gevoelige sites.

Bertin IT vult dit aanbod van Bescherming van Strijdkrachten en Overheden aan met betrouwbare en efficiënte oplossingen op het gebied van cyberinlichtingen en cyberbeveiliging.

From Upgraded Bridging Systems to an Extended Range of Surveillance and Cybersecurity Solutions: CNIM’s Latest Innovations for the Armed Forces

PARIS–(BUSINESS WIRE)– As a leading player in Defense & Security in France and internationally, the CNIM Group presents on its booth H 267|Hall 5A its innovative systems and equipment for the Projection and Protection of the Armed Forces.

This press release features multimedia. View the full release here: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20180605006781/en/

CNIM and Bertin innovative solutions for Defense & Security (Photo: Business Wire)

CNIM and Bertin innovative solutions for Defense & Security (Photo: Business Wire)

In the face of changing threats and capacity needs, CNIM is offering tailored crossing solutions, while its subsidiary Bertin Technologies continues to expand its range of products in the field of optronics and CBRN threat detection.

Bertin now offers a broader range of Surveillance solutions following the acquisition in 2017 of Exensor, world leader in the supply of sensors and networks for sensitive sites protection.

Bertin IT complements this offer of Protection of Armed Forces and Governments with reliable and efficient cyber intelligence and cybersecurity solutions.

Eurosatory 2018 will be the occasion for Bertin to launch several solutions for the protection of the Armed Forces on land and cybersecurity:

  • SaphyRAD MS: an innovative multiprobe military radiation meter for harsh environment and emergency situations
  • The expansion of Bertin’s optronic range:
    • CamSight: a family of compact and lightweight camera modules for night & day improved vision
    • PeriSight Zoom: a new optronic camera system dedicated to military vehicles, for reliable long-range day and night vision
  • Crypto Crossing: a highly secure email gateway solution designed by Bertin IT

Exensor and CNIM solutions will also be showcased on the stand:

For more information, please visit:






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