17:03 uur 21-06-2018

IDEMIA: treed de wereld van augmented identity binnen in ons pop-up innovatiecentrum in Londen (25-27 juni 2018)

COLOMBES, Frankrijk–(BUSINESS WIRE)– IDEMIA, de wereldleider in augmented identity, kondigt de opening aan van haar Pop-up Innovation Center, in het hart van Londen, in Westminster (“Queen Elizabeth II Center”). Deze vindt plaats van 25 tot en met 27 juni 2018.

Dit persbericht is multimediaal. Bekijk de volledige versie hier: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20180621005800/en/

De ambitie van IDEMIA is om een veilige en vertrouwde omgeving te creëren voor zowel burgers als consumenten om hun dagelijkse kritische activiteiten uit te voeren (zoals betalen, verbinden, reizen, stemmen of toegang krijgen tot publieke of private ruimtes), zowel in de echte als in de digitale wereld.

IDEMIA: Enter the World of Augmented Identity at our Pop-up Innovation Center in London (25th-27th June 2018)

COLOMBES, France–(BUSINESS WIRE)– IDEMIA, the global leader in Augmented Identity, is announcing the opening of its Pop-up Innovation Center, at the heart of London, in Westminster (“Queen Elizabeth II Center”). It will take place from 25th to 27th of June, 2018.

This press release features multimedia. View the full release here: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20180621005800/en/

IDEMIA’s ambition is to enable a secure and trusted environment for citizens and consumers alike to perform their daily critical activities (such as pay, connect, travel, vote or access public or private spaces), in the real as well as digital worlds.

Opening its unique Pop-up Innovation Center, IDEMIA invites you to experience its innovative solutions through dedicated demonstration areas.

IDEMIA will showcase a wide range of innovations, such as:

  • Identity on the move: secure biometric systems to manage the flow of people
  • The mobile generation: a new solution to put your ID in your smartphone, in a safe way – under your control and with you all the time.
  • Leisure Venue Security: solutions to enhance the fan experience and stadium security
  • Physical & Digital continuity: biometric solutions that help private service providers secure digital onboarding and authentication of their customers, as well as trusted digital identities and transactions.

“At IDEMIA, being a leader in biometric solutions means we must provide unique and seamless user experiences and be close to our customers to meet their expectations. Therefore this year, we have decided to innovate with this original concept to bring our innovative solutions to the heart of London in our dedicated demonstration area”, said Philippe Barreau, Executive Vice-President for Public Security and Citizen Identity activities at IDEMIA.

For more information about IDEMIA’s Pop-up Innovation Center visit:
Queen Elizabeth II Center, Broad Sanctuary, Westminster, London SW1P 3EE, UK


OT-Morpho is now IDEMIA, the global leader in Augmented Identity for an increasingly digital world, with the ambition to empower citizens and consumers alike to interact, pay, connect, travel and vote in ways that are now possible in a connected environment.

Securing our identity has become mission critical in the world we live in today. By standing for Augmented Identity, we reinvent the way we think, produce, use and protect this asset, whether for individuals or for objects. We ensure privacy and trust as well as guarantee secure, authenticated and verifiable transactions for international clients from Financial, Telecom, Identity, Public Security and IoT sectors.

OT (Oberthur Technologies) and Safran Identity & Security (Morpho) have joined forces to form IDEMIA. With close to $3 billion in revenues and 14,000 employees around the world, IDEMIA serves clients in 180 countries.

For more information, visit www.idemia.com / Follow @IdemiaGroup on Twitter



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