Explorance verdubbelt het Europese klantenbestand van het hoger onderwijs
Met een aanzienlijke groei van de vraag naar haar Blue all-in-one evaluatieoplossing bij haar Europese klanten, opent Explorance Europese kantoren om tegemoet te komen aan de behoeften van de markt
Explorance, de toonaangevende leverancier van Learning Journey Analytics (LJA) oplossingen, heeft het afgelopen jaar haar Europese klantenbestand verdubbeld. Met de opening van nieuwe Europese kantoren zal Explorance beter kunnen samenwerken met haar groeiende Europese klanten.
Het verbeteren van de kwaliteit en relevantie van het onderwijs en leren in de Europese hogeronderwijsmarkt is het centrum van het Bologna-proces. Het Yerevan Communiqué versterkte de roep om een betere zichtbaarheid van dit beleidsterrein.
Explorance Doubles European Higher-Education Client Base
With a significant growth in demand for its Blue all-in-one evaluation solution among its European clients, Explorance opens European offices to accommodate market needs
Explorance, the leading provider of Learning Journey Analytics (LJA) solutions doubled its European client base in the past year. With the opening of new European offices, Explorance will be able to better partner with its growing European clients.
Improving the quality and relevance of teaching and learning in the European higher education market is the centre of the Bologna Process. The Yerevan Communiqué strengthened the call for better visibility of this policy area. According to the EUA Trends 2018 survey, 90% of the institutions use student feedback surveys to assess and enhance the quality of teaching. As the Bologna Process entices institutions to embrace a digitally-enabled approach, more institutions move toward the strategic use of digital tools to measure learning and teaching improvements.
“Before implementing Blue, we were using a dozen or so traditional questionnaires, combined with a few digital surveys. The wide range of individual solutions made it impossible to take full benefit of course evaluations,” says Mustapha Ali El-Ahmad, Senior Evaluation Consultant and Analyst at the Aarhus University. He adds, “Blue combines all these different questionnaires into one single solution, cleaning the data from the LMS & SIS, and automating the data analysis, while accommodating to different schools’ requirements.” Explorance’s Blue is built to support various feedback processes including course evaluations, competency development assessment, midterm reviews, applicant feedback, alumni perception analysis, student satisfaction, organisational surveys, and 360 degree reviews.
“The surge in demand for Explorance software and services in Europe indicates a growing need for proven online teaching and learning evaluation tools and increased trust in the Blue solution,” commented Ian Haugh, General Manager of the European offices. The new European office is located in Amsterdam and coordinates local activities across Europe and the UK. Local professional services are offered across Europe and customer service is provided 24/7 in multiple languages.
Blue surveys and evaluation solutions are fully localised with English, French, Spanish, German, Dutch, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Icelandic, Italian, Russian and Portuguese support. To support student mobility, Blue allows multiple languages to be used in one implementation at the same time. For an evaluation of your organisation’s needs, contact Explorance for a demonstration.
About Explorance
Explorance is a Learning Journey Analytics (LJA) provider that supports organisations in making the right decisions using fact-based feedback data. Through its Blue suite of products, organisations can assess needs, expectations, competencies, and monitor improvement over time.
Founded in 2003, Explorance is a privately held corporation headquartered in Montreal, Canada with business units in America, APAC, Europe, and the MENA region. As of 2014, Explorance has been ranked top employer by the Great Places to Work Institute®. Explorance’s clients span a wide variety of learning organisations including academia, consulting firms, government institutions, and corporations. Learn more about Explorance.
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Gil Gruber