kondigt vierde podcast aan in Mendelspod-serie over menselijke biospecimen kwaliteit en regelgeving
Laatste podcast gericht op de kwaliteit, verwerving en regulering van menselijke biospecimens voor life science onderzoek, de toonaangevende online marktplaats voor uitbesteed onderzoek in de life science industrie, kondigde de succesvolle afronding aan van een vierdelige podcastreeks over menselijke biologische monsters en biobanking. De vier gasten boden doordachte inzichten en ideeën vanuit een academisch, farmaceutisch en kleinzakelijk perspectief. De afleveringen werden gehost door Mendelspod, een van de toonaangevende podcasts in de life science industrie.
“Dit is de tweede keer dat we de kwaliteit en het bestuur van menselijke biospecimen op deze show behandelen, wat mij vertelt dat mensen geïnteresseerd zijn en op zoek zijn naar antwoorden”, aldus Theral Timpson, gastheer, producent en medeoprichter van Mendelspod. Announces Fourth Podcast in Mendelspod Series on Human Biospecimen Quality and Regulations
Latest podcast focused on the quality, acquisition and regulation of human biospecimens for life science research, the life science industry’s leading online marketplace for outsourced research, announced the successful conclusion of a four-part podcast series on human biological samples and biobanking. The four guests offered thoughtful insights and ideas from an academic, pharmaceutical and small business perspective. The episodes were hosted by Mendelspod, one of the life science industry’s leading podcasts.
“This is the second time we’ve covered human biospecimen quality and governance on this show, which tells me that people are interested and looking for answers,” said Theral Timpson, Host, Producer and Co-Founder of Mendelspod. “What is doing—offering a self-regulatory solution within the life sciences—is a practical first step toward filling an important gap.”
The series featured experts in biospecimen regulation, biobanking and compliance, including Carolyn Compton, PhD, Chief Medical Officer of the National Biomarker Development Alliance and ASU professor; Shannon McCall, PhD, Director of the Precision Cancer Medicine Initiative at the Biorepository and Precision Pathology Center at Duke University; Kirstin Goldring, PhD, Counselor at the European Society for Biopreservation and Biobanking and member of ISBER; and Matt McLoughlin, Vice President of Compliance at Topics covered ranged from the sustainability of biobanks to a discussion of COMPLi™—’s proprietary compliance framework for overseeing the acquisition of human biological samples for research.
“It was an honor to be included amongst a group of such distinguished and knowledgeable speakers on the topic of human biospecimen quality and biobanking,” commented McLoughlin. “Forums like these raise awareness regarding the sustainability of biobanks and help us create a more standardized set of rules governing human biospecimen acquisition.”
All podcasts are accessible free of charge at
About is the world’s leading marketplace for outsourced research. The marketplace simplifies the entire research sourcing process, saving time and money and providing access to the latest innovative tools and technologies while maintaining full compliance with an organization’s procurement policies. operates private enterprise marketplaces for most of the world’s major pharmaceutical companies, VWR and the US National Institutes of Health (NIH). Since its founding in 2007, has raised more than $33 million from Leerink Transformation Partners, 5AM Ventures, Heritage Provider Network, Bootstrap Ventures and Hollywood producer Jack Giarraputo, among others. Visit to learn more.
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Sean Preci
Director of Communications
+1 858-455-1300, ext. 401