13:42 uur 01-11-2018

PotNetwork Holdings, Inc. bereidt zich voor op Canadese effectenbeurs (CSE)


Bedrijf zoekt naar naar dubbele beursnotering om te profiteren van snel groeiende Canadese cannabismarktsector

PotNetwork Holdings, Inc. (OTC Pink: POTN) (het “bedrijf”) heeft aangekondigd dat het zich voorbereidt op de notering van zijn gewone aandelen op de Canadese effectenbeurs (CSE), die wordt beheerd door CNSX Markets Inc. Het bedrijf heeft Canadese effectenadviseurs ingeschakeld om te helpen bij het noteringsproces. Een CSE-notering maakt het mogelijk dat de gewone aandelen van het bedrijf zowel in de VS als in Canada dubbel genoteerd zijn.

De aanvraag voor een notering op de CSE volgt de overgang van het bedrijf naar een volledig rapporterend bedrijf met de SEC zodra het recente formulier 10 van het bedrijf van kracht wordt. Het bedrijf is ook van plan om een uplisting naar het OTCQB-marktniveau op de OTC-markten te voltooien.

PotNetwork Holdings, Inc. Prepares to List on Canadian Securities Exchange (“CSE”)


Company to Seek Dual Listing to Take Advantage of Rapidly Growing Canadian Cannabis Market Sector

PotNetwork Holdings, Inc. (OTC Pink: POTN) (the “Company”) announced today that it is preparing to list its common stock on the Canadian Securities Exchange (“CSE”) operated by CNSX Markets Inc. The Company has engaged Canadian securities counsel to assist with the listing process. A CSE listing will allow the Company’s common stock to be dual listed in both U.S. and Canada.

The application for a listing on the CSE will follow the Company’s transition to becoming a fully reporting Company with the SEC once its recent Form 10 filing becomes effective. The Company also intends to complete an uplisting to the OTCQB market tier on OTC Markets.

Kevin Hagen, CEO, stated, “Public attitudes around the world towards CBD are shifting as a result of people and regulators understanding the benefits of CBD. Cannabis-based products, in general, are experiencing explosive growth and we have begun an aggressive expansion of our business to further drive the growth of the Company into 2019. Integral to that expansion, is our decision that the time is right to list our stock on the Canadian market. The CSE already lists many companies in our industry, making this move an extremely logical choice that we believe will significantly benefit both the Company and its shareholders, across two countries instead of one.”

About Diamond CBD, Inc.: Diamond CBD focuses on the research, development, and multinational marketing of premium hemp extracts that contain a broad range of cannabinoids and natural hemp derivatives. Diamond CBD’s team consists of hemp industry pioneers and natural product experts, chemists, doctors and scientists, dedicated to producing the finest and purest cannabidiol (CBD) oils. The result is a robust selection considered among the most powerful natural CBD oils, tinctures, edibles, and vape liquids found anywhere. For more information, please visit its website at www.DiamondCBD.com.

About PotNetwork Holdings, Inc.: PotNetwork Holdings, Inc. (OTC Pink: POTN) is a publicly traded company that acts as a holding company for its subsidiaries, First Capital Venture Co., the owner of Diamond CBD, Inc., the maker of Diamond CBD oils. For more information, please visit its website at www.PotNetworkholding.com.

Safe Harbor: This press release contains Forward-Looking Statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. All statements regarding our expected future financial position, results of operations, cash flows, financing plans, business strategy, products and services, competitive positions, growth opportunities, plans and objectives of management for future operations, including words such as “anticipate,” “if,” “believe,” “plan,” “estimate,” “expect,” “intend,” “may,” “could,” “should,” “will,” and similar expressions are forward-looking statements and involve risks, uncertainties and contingencies, many of which are beyond our control, which may cause actual results, performance, or achievements to differ materially from anticipated results, performance, or achievements. We are under no obligation to (and expressly disclaim any such obligation to) update or alter forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.


PotNetwork Holdings, Inc.
Investor Relations:
Marisol Elwell, 1-800-915-3060

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