11:31 uur 24-01-2019

RSM en DSI vinden elkaar in grensoverschrijdende strategische insolventie-alliantie

NEW YORK & LONDON–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Twee bekende en gerespecteerde bedrijven in de wereldwijde herstructureringsindustrie hebben een strategische alliantie en internationale samenwerking gevormd. Ze willen hun klanten verder ondersteunen gedurende de groeiende golf aan grensoverschrijdende insolventie en internationale herstructureringsprojecten.

Dit persbericht bevat multimedia. Bekijk de volledige release hier: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20190123005735/en/

De in het Verenigd Koninkrijk gehuisveste herstructureringspraktijk RSM Restructuring Advisory LLP (“RSM”), onderdeel van het audit-, belasting- en adviesbureau RSM UK, en het in de VS gevestigde herstructureringsbedrijf Development Specialists, Inc. (DSI), hebben een overeenkomst aangekondigd. Ze gaan samenwerken en elkaar versterken bij het behandelen van transnationale zaken.

RSM and DSI Agree to Cross-Border Insolvency Strategic Alliance

NEW YORK & LONDON–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Two well-known and respected firms in the global restructuring industry have formed a strategic alliance and international collaboration to further support their respective clients amid a growing wave of cross-border insolvency and international restructuring projects.

This press release features multimedia. View the full release here: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20190123005735/en/

U.K.-based restructuring practice RSM Restructuring Advisory LLP (“RSM”), part of audit, tax and consulting firm RSM UK, and U.S.-based restructuring firm Development Specialists, Inc. (DSI), have announced an agreement to collaborate and augment each respective firm’s services in dealing with transnational cases.

“We’re delighted to announce that we’ll be collaborating with DSI on cross-border projects,” said Graham Bushby, a Partner and Head of Restructuring Advisory at RSM. “DSI is working on some significant transnational cases and brings a wealth of experience to the arena, which RSM can capably augment in countries outside the U.S. market.”

Bill Brandt, Executive Chairman of DSI, along with Brad Sharp, its President and CEO, said this alliance should provide a big boost for their firm as bankruptcies and insolvencies are starting to play out on a larger stage.

“Corporations have become interconnected to many countries so that when one part of the business experiences financial problems, the ramifications are far reaching and complex,” said Brandt. “That is why having access to the resources of a group like RSM overseas will greatly enhance our business, and at the same time, they can benefit from our 45 years of restructuring experience in North America.”

“With more and more of our work becoming international, it made a lot of sense to re-establish a presence in Europe where we had operated for many years in the past,” said Sharp. “I look forward to a long and productive relationship with RSM and their team of outstanding restructuring professionals.”

About RSM UK:

RSM UK is a leading audit, tax and consulting firm to the middle market with nearly 3,500 partners and staff operating from 35 locations throughout the UK. For the year ending 31 March 2017, RSM generated revenues of £319m. RSM UK is a member firm of RSM International – the sixth largest network of audit, tax and consulting firms globally. The network spans over 120 countries, 800 offices and more than 43,000 people, with a fee income of more than $5bn.

About Development Specialist, Inc. (DSI):

DSI is a leading provider of management consulting and financial advisory services to companies in need of operational improvements, balance sheet restructuring or turnaround management. DSI excels due to the extensive experience and diverse background of its consultants. The team includes Masters of Professional Accountancy, Certified Public Accountants, Certified Insolvency and Restructuring Advisors, Certified Financial Forensic Accountants and Certified Internal Auditors. As one of the first turnaround firms in the U.S., DSI has expanded from its headquarters in Chicago to include a significant national footprint with offices in New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, South Florida, Wilmington and Columbus, Ohio. For more information, visit www.dsi.biz.


Media enquiries for RSM:
Ed Dewar, Senior PR Manager, 0203 201 8145
Frank Shepherd, PR Manager, 020 3201 8072
Gemma Moorhouse, PR Manager, 0113 285 5076

Media inquiries for DSI:
Todd Templin, 954-370-8999/954-290-0810

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