15:20 uur 08-05-2019

MobileIron kondigt een Zero Trust Platform aan dat het meest universele product ter wereld – het mobiele apparaat – uw ID voor veilige bedrijfstoegang

Introduceert zero sign-on-technologie om wachtwoorden te elimineren

9 van de 10 veiligheidsverantwoordelijken zijn van mening dat mobiele apparaten binnenkort zullen dienen als digitale ID om toegang te krijgen tot bedrijfsdiensten en -gegevens

MOUNTAIN VIEW, Californië (BUSINESS WIRE) – MobileIron (NASDAQ:MOBL) introduceert het eerste mobile-centric, zero trust security platform in de sector. MobileIron’s mobile-centric strategie zorgt voor continue handhaving en bescherming van gegevens, zowel op het apparaat als op het netwerk, met een uitgebreide wisselwerking tussen de kritische signalen voor zero trust: gebruiker, apparaat, apps, netwerken en bedreigingen. Dit maakt ‘s werelds meest alomtegenwoordige product – het mobiele apparaat – uw ID en veilige zakelijke toegang. Dit platform gaat verder dan identiteitsbeheer en gatewaybenaderingen door gebruik te maken van een uitgebreidere set attributen voordat toegang wordt verleend.

MobileIron Announces Zero Trust Platform Making the World’s Most Ubiquitous Product – the Mobile Device – Your ID and Secure Access to the Enterprise

Introduces zero sign-on technology to eliminate passwords

9 out of 10 security leaders believe that mobile devices will soon serve as digital ID to access enterprise services and data

MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif.–(BUSINESS WIRE)– MobileIron (NASDAQ:MOBL) introduces the industry’s first mobile-centric, zero trust security platform. MobileIron’s mobile-centric strategy allows for continuous enforcement and protection of data, both on the device and on the network, with comprehensive correlation between the critical signals for zero trust: user, device, apps, networks, and threats. This makes the world’s most ubiquitous product – the mobile device – your ID and secure access to the enterprise. This platform goes beyond identity management and gateway approaches by utilizing a more comprehensive set of attributes before granting access.

With mobile devices as your ID, organizations replace the password with a secure and frictionless alternative, ushering in a new era of user authentication. MobileIron is introducing a revolutionary zero sign-on experience built on the company’s leading unified endpoint management (UEM) platform and powered by the MobileIron Access solution.

Zero sign-on completely eliminates passwords as the method for user authentication, replacing single sign-on, which still requires at least one username and password. MobileIron paved the way for a zero sign-on enterprise with its Access product in 2017, which enabled zero sign-on to cloud services on managed devices. Today’s announcement extends this capability, making passwordless access to cloud services available from any device, managed or unmanaged, using the mobile device as the user’s secure ID.

“Mobile is the center of our universe, both personally and professionally. With that comes a need for a mobile-centric enterprise-grade security solution,” said Simon Biddiscombe, CEO, MobileIron. “We are delivering that solution – making the mobile device your ID and access to the enterprise. And we didn’t stop there. We are eliminating passwords for any device, whether managed or unmanaged, because we think single sign-on is one sign-on too many.”

Zero sign-on solves three problems inherent in passwords. As Forrester Research analysts Andras Cser and Merritt Maxim explain: “First, passwords represent a security risk because they can be easily hacked, and password reuse can start an avalanche of breaches. Second, password-related reset costs generate significant operational support costs. Third, password authentication is often the source of a bad user experience, especially in mobile environments” (Forrester: Understand The State Of Identity And Access Management, 2018 To 2019). Zero sign-on eliminates the pain and expense of traditional user credentials, replacing it with a seamless, secure authentication alternative.

A passwordless enterprise has been an unfulfilled promise for years. In fact, according to an April 2019 IDG survey of security decision makers, 86% would do away with passwords if they could. The same survey found that nearly 9 out of 10 security leaders believe that, in the near future, mobile devices will serve as the digital ID to access enterprise services and data.

The MobileIron security platform is built on the foundation of award-winning and industry-leading unified endpoint management (UEM) capabilities with additional zero trust-enabling technologies, including zero sign-on (ZSO), multi-factor authentication (MFA), and mobile threat defense (MTD). Together, they enable a seamless, secure user experience by ensuring only authorized users, devices, apps, and services can access business resources.

MobileIron’s vision is to revolutionize enterprise authentication with a mobile ID and zero sign-on experience from any device, any OS, any location, to any service. Turning vision into reality, MobileIron’s zero sign-on for unmanaged devices will be available in June 2019 on iOS devices. These capabilities will extend to Android devices later this year. For more information, visit here.

About MobileIron

MobileIron is redefining enterprise security with the industry’s first mobile-centric, zero trust platform built on the foundation of unified endpoint management (UEM) to secure access and protect data across the perimeter-less enterprise. Over 17,000 customers, including the world’s largest financial institutions, intelligence agencies, and other highly regulated companies rely on MobileIron to enable a seamless and secure user experience by ensuring only authorized users, devices, apps, and services can access business resources. For more information, visit www.mobileiron.com.


Marjaneh Ravai

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