13:17 uur 04-06-2019

Open19 Foundation sluit zich aan bij de Kinetic Edge Alliance

Foundation helpt leden Alliance bij de acceleratie van edge-implementaties

MONACO-(BUSINESS WIRE)- The Open19 Foundation, een organisatie die is opgericht om een gemeenschap te creëren voor een nieuwe generatie open datacenters en edge-oplossingen, kondigt vandaag haar lidmaatschap aan binnen de Kinetic Edge™ Alliance (KEA) als technologiepartner. De toekomst van computing staat op het spel, en dit partnerschap zal de implementatie van Open19 infrastructuur in de randlocaties versnellen.

“De Kinetic Edge Alliance is de de facto alliantie die orde en een blauwdruk creëert om de edge technologie specifiek voor edge cloud toepassingen te bouwen”, aldus Yuval Bachar, voorzitter van de Open19 Foundation. “De Open19 Foundation zal zich aansluiten bij de Kinetic Edge Alliance om de hardware buildout bouwsteen toe te voegen aan de alliantie met het Open19 platform. Het Open19 platform is ontworpen voor de edge en geoptimaliseerd voor de oplossing zoals gedefinieerd door de Kinetic Edge Alliance. Het zal een standaard maar flexibele oplossing mogelijk maken voor het bouwen van de Edge-platformen van nu en de toekomst.”

Open19 Foundation Joins Kinetic Edge Alliance

Foundation to help Alliance members accelerate edge deployments

MONACO–(BUSINESS WIRE)– The Open19 Foundation, an organization established to create a community for a new generation of open data centers and edge solutions, today announced its membership within the Kinetic Edge™ Alliance (KEA) as a technology partner. The future of computing is at the edge, and this partnership will accelerate deployment of Open19 infrastructure into edge locations.

“The Kinetic Edge Alliance is the de-facto alliance that is creating order and a blueprint to build the edge technology specifically for edge cloud applications,” said Yuval Bachar, Open19 Foundation President. “The Open19 Foundation will join the Kinetic Edge Alliance to add the hardware buildout building block to the alliance with the Open19 platform. The Open19 platform is designed for the edge and optimized for the solution as defined by the Kinetic Edge alliance. It will enable a standard but flexible solution for building the Edge platforms of the present and the future.”

Founded by Open19 Foundation member company Vapor IO, the Kinetic Edge Alliance is an industry working group dedicated to making edge computing easy and connecting stakeholders with end users and customers. Other members of the group include Packet, New Continuum Data Centers, and Seagate. Learn more about the Alliance here.

“The Open19 standard makes it fast and economical to deploy equipment in edge environments,” said Matt Trifiro, CMO of Vapor IO. “By offering a chassis design that slides in and out of a rack, installing or swapping out data center equipment becomes almost as easy as opening and closing a desk drawer. This makes it possible for technicians to deploy or repair edge equipment in minutes instead of hours or days.”

Twelve partner companies launched the Kinetic Edge Alliance in February 2019 for the purpose of driving broad adoption of compute, storage, access and interconnection at the edge of the cellular network, simplifying edge computing for the masses. The Alliance is actively rolling out equipment and services across the top 30 major metropolitan US markets, beginning with the first six markets in 2019. The Alliance seeks to deploy, in lockstep, all of the key hardware and software infrastructure components that will enable commercial-grade edge computing at scale. There are now nearly 40 partner companies in the Alliance.

About the Open19 Foundation

The Open19 Foundation was established in 2017 by founding members Flex, GE Digital, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, LinkedIn, Packet, and Vapor IO to create a community that will enable a common optimized data center and edge solutions. It has since grown to 26 members from all parts of the edge ecosystem – from component and system suppliers and integrators, to data center operators. For more information, visit the Foundation’s website at www.open19.org.


Open19 Foundation
Rachael Watson, PR manager
(971) 706-1312

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