DIMOCO PSP wordt onafhankelijke en gelicentieerde verkoper van Mastercard-verkopers
DIMOCO biedt nu volledige wervingsdiensten aan onder zijn eigen Mastercard-licentie
WENEN–(BUSINESS WIRE)–DIMOCO Payment Services kondigt vandaag de voltooiing aan van het proces om lid te worden van Mastercard. Als een onafhankelijke en gelicentieerde acceptant voor verkopers, integreert DIMOCO de acceptatie van creditcards en de verwerking van betalingen met één contract, verbinding en afwikkeling. Volgens het tijdschema van het bedrijf is het goedkeuringsproces van het lidmaatschap met andere toonaangevende internationale regelingen aan de gang, en de afronding is te verwachten in het vierde kwartaal van 2019.
Sinds de oprichting in 2016 heeft het in Wenen gevestigde bedrijf zich ontwikkeld tot een PSD2-conforme betalingsinstelling en betalingsdienstaanbieder met een uitgebreid scala aan functies en services.
DIMOCO PSP Becomes Independent and Licensed Mastercard Merchant Acquirer
DIMOCO now offers full acquiring services under its own Mastercard licence
VIENNA–(BUSINESS WIRE)– DIMOCO Payment Services today announces the completion of the process to become a member of Mastercard. As an independent and licensed merchant acquirer, DIMOCO integrates credit card acceptance and payment processing with a single contract, connection and settlement. According to the time table of the company, the membership approval process with other leading international schemes are ongoing, and finalisation is to be expected in Q4 2019.
Since its foundation in 2016, the Vienna-based company has developed into a PSD2 compliant payment institution and payment service provider with a comprehensive range of features and services. The latest achievement in receiving the Mastercard membership supports its strategy to position itself as a payment service provider and independent, standalone acquirer with a personal approach and high flexibility.
“We always focus our activities on our merchants, partners and their business needs. Our personal touch and commitment have always made us stand out from the PSP crowd. With the new setup, we bring now our merchants as close as possible to the scheme network,” says Boris Kersten, Managing Director at DIMOCO Payment Services.
Christian Rau, General Manager at Mastercard Austria, adds ”We are excited about DIMOCO’s merchant acquiring services leveraging our network to further drive the digitization of the economy, offering new services to E-com merchants across Europe.”
Besides its acquiring services, DIMOCO Payment Services continues being a strong partner for e-commerce merchants to offer a perfect payment methods mix out of a steadily increasing portfolio of 100+ alternative payment options such as carrier billing, online bank transfers, SEPA direct debit, cryptocurrencies and a variety of other global and local payment methods.
The DIMOCO group is a leading payment and messaging innovator. As industry leader at the cutting edge of mobile technology, it has paved the way in direct carrier billing and mobile messaging services.
DIMOCO stimulates the creation of new payment and messaging services with the FinTech philosophy at its core. The group is trusted by global telecom carriers, card schemes, content publishers, large merchants and corporations.
DIMOCO Payment Services is a PSD2 compliant payment institution regulated by the Austrian Financial Market Authority (FMA). As a licensed acquirer and payment service provider, DIMOCO Payment Services processes credit card payments and a variety of alternative payment methods for e-commerce merchants. The company offers merchants the security of a regulated payment institution, tailor-made industry-specific payment solutions, innovative risk management tools and customised revenue-generating services.
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Website: dimoco.eu/paymentservices
Twitter: @Dimoco
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/company/dimoco-payment-services
View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20190711005034/en/
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DIMOCO Corporate Headquarters
Charlotte Newby
+43 1 33 66 888 – 2059
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