13:09 uur 01-08-2019

Projectmanagementinstituut lanceert Alexa Skill om klantervaring te verbeteren

PMI Customer Care vaardigheden te verbeteren door Amazon AI-gestuurde spraakdiensten

PHILADELPHIA – (BUSINESS WIRE) – Project Management Institute (PMI) kondigde vandaag de lancering aan van zijn eerste Alexa Skill for Customer Care om klanten en leden te helpen met extra ondersteuning voor zijn producten en diensten. De nieuwe Alexa Skill for Customer Care zal een reeks taken uitvoeren om veelgestelde vragen te beantwoorden, waaronder verzoeken om informatie over lidmaatschapskosten, verlengingen, voordelen en vereisten voor PMI-certificeringsprogramma’s. De nieuwe interface heeft ook de unieke mogelijkheid om gebruikers naar het Customer Care Center van PMI te leiden. Dit kan telefonisch van
maandag tot en met vrijdag van 8.00 tot 20.00 uur of door een e-mail te sturen met een chat-link om 24/7 toegang te krijgen tot de klantenservice.

Project Management Institute Launches Alexa Skill to Enhance Customer Experience

PMI Customer Care Skills to be Enhanced by Amazon AI-Powered Voice Services

PHILADELPHIA–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Project Management Institute (PMI) today announced the launch of its first Alexa Skill for Customer Care to assist customers and members with additional support for its products and services. The new Alexa skill will perform a range of tasks to answer frequently asked questions, including requests for information on membership costs, renewals, benefits, and requirements needed for PMI certification programs. The new interface also has the unique ability to route users to PMI’s Customer Care Center either by phone Monday–Friday from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET or by requesting an email with a chat link to access customer service 24/7.

“PMI has been undergoing a transformation to ensure that we are providing added value in a customer-centric way to the millions of project managers who rely on us,” said Sunil Prashara, President and CEO of Project Management Institute. “As artificial intelligence continues to evolve, we are committed to exploring and investing in voice technology and other AI skills that enable us to provide an experience that is conversational and compatible with our customers’ lifestyles. This powerful tool will enhance our customer service and digitally meet our members’ needs precisely when and where they wish.”

Conversational user interfaces and voice assistants are advancing at an exponential rate. According to Capgemini Research Institute, 40 percent of consumers will be using voice assistant technologies rather than mobile apps or websites in the next three years.

PMI plans to expand on the Alexa skill, including a customizable Flash Briefing and integrating user authentication through account linking for an even more personalized experience. Looking ahead, PMI is expanding its voice service to other devices such as Google Assistant, as well as adding conversational capabilities with messaging platforms such as WeChat and WhatsApp. This will provide customers around the globe even more ways to interface directly with PMI in the timeframe and channel that’s most convenient for them.

The PMI Customer Care Skill is now available to enable on Alexa-enabled devices via the Alexa Skill Store.

About Project Management Institute (PMI)

Project Management Institute (PMI) is the world’s leading association for those who consider project, program or portfolio management their profession. Founded in 1969, PMI delivers value for more than three million professionals working in nearly every country in the world through global advocacy, collaboration, education and research. We advance careers, improve organizational success and further mature the project management profession through globally-recognized standards, certifications, communities, resources, tools, academic research, publications, professional development courses and networking opportunities. As part of the PMI family, ProjectManagement.com creates online global communities that deliver more resources, better tools, larger networks and broader perspectives. Visit us at www.PMI.org, www.projectmanagement.com, www.facebook.com/PMInstitute and on Twitter @PMInstitute.


Mary Ortega

Communications Specialist

E-mail:  mary.ortega@pmi.org

Project Management Institute

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