14:41 uur 01-08-2019

Flink Forward Europe 2019 – Programma aangekondigd

De 5e jaarlijkse conferentie heeft meer dan 70 sessies met sprekers van Airbus, Goldman Sachs, Emirates NBD, Pinterest, Stripe en meer.

BERLIJN-(BUSINESS WIRE)- Ververica, opgericht door de oorspronkelijke makers van Apache Flink®, kondigt vandaag het programma aan voor de 5e jaarlijkse Flink Forward conferentie in Berlijn, die 7-9 oktober plaatsvindt. Na het organiseren van een succesvolle editie in San Francisco in april 2019, verhuist de conferentie nu naar een nieuwe locatie in het hart van Berlijn, ter gelegenheid van het 5-jarig bestaan van de Europese editie. Dit jaar zullen meer dan 600 software-ingenieurs, datawetenschappers, DevOps-professionals, Flink-core committers en gebruikers onder het koepelvormige dak van het bcc Berlin Congress Center samenkomen.

Het programma bestaat uit meerdere dagtrainingen op 7 oktober en meer dan 70 lezingen over vijf tracks op 8 en 9 oktober. Deelnemers kunnen uit de eerste hand ontdekken hoe toonaangevende technologiebedrijven zoals AWS, Lyft, Netflix en Alibaba Apache Flink op schaal gebruiken en implementeren om de complexiteit van hun data-infrastructuren te verminderen en applicaties te bouwen die zich richten op de verwerking van gegevens in realtime en offline.

Flink Forward Europe 2019 – Program Announced

The 5th annual conference features 70+ sessions with speakers from Airbus, Goldman Sachs, Emirates NBD, Pinterest, Stripe and more

BERLIN–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Ververica, founded by the original creators of Apache Flink®, today announces the program for the 5th annual Flink Forward conference in Berlin, taking place October 7-9. After hosting a successful edition in San Francisco in April 2019, the conference is now moving to a new venue in the heart of Berlin, celebrating the 5th anniversary of its European edition. This year’s event will bring together over 600 software engineers, data scientists, DevOps professionals, Flink core committers and users under the domed roof of bcc Berlin Congress Center.

The program features multiple full-day training sessions on October 7 and more than 70 talks across five tracks on October 8 & 9. Attendees will be able to explore first-hand how leading tech companies like AWS, Lyft, Netflix and Alibaba use and deploy Apache Flink at scale to reduce the complexity of their data infrastructures and build applications that generalize across real-time and offline data processing. This year, attendees will also have the chance to embrace the ongoing efforts to make Apache Flink a truly unified data processing framework.

Program Highlights:

  • First-time speakers such as Goldman Sachs, Emirates NBD, Pinterest, Stripe, Workday and Airbus share their Apache Flink use cases and experiments.
  • Technical deep-dives into topics like Flink’s new batch architecture, unified runtime or refurbished Table & SQL APIs, self-service data analytics platforms, event-driven applications and others.
  • Research track with talks by KTH Stockholm, ETH Zurich and TU Berlin on stateful serverless functions, state management optimization and graph processing.
  • A new Community track to facilitate key discussions in the open source and Apache Flink community such as how to maintain healthy growth and contributions to open source software.

In addition to the expansion of the conference program, two new training sessions have been added:

Apache Flink Developer Training – an introductory session tailored for Java and Scala developers covering the core concepts of streaming dataflows, event time, and key-partitioned state.

Apache Flink Operations Training – a course for developers and operations staff responsible for deploying and maintaining Flink clusters.

Join the discussion on Twitter with #flinkforward and follow @FlinkForward to stay on top of the announcements.

About Ververica (formerly data Artisans)

Ververica was founded by the original creators of open source Apache Flink® to bring real-time data applications to the enterprise. The company provides Ververica Platform, with open source Apache Flink, for turnkey stream processing, enabling businesses to manage and deploy live data applications, so they can react to data instantaneously and make better and faster business decisions. Global companies such as Alibaba, ING, Netflix and Uber use Flink as the stream processing engine to power large-scale stateful applications, including real-time analytics, machine learning, search and content ranking, and fraud detection.

“Apache”, “Apache Flink”, and their logos are registered trademarks or trademarks of The Apache Software Foundation in the U.S. and/or other countries.


Dan Walsh

Mustard PR

+44 1753 656661

Ververica GmbH

Invaildenstraße 115

10115 Berlin, Germany


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