15:31 uur 19-08-2019

Slate Asset Management kondigt een minderheidsinvestering aan van het Petershill-programma van Goldman Sachs Asset Management

TORONTO-(BUSINESS WIRE)- Slate Asset Management L.P. (Slate), een toonaangevend alternatief vermogensbeheerplatform met een focus op onroerend goed en vastgoed, kondigt vandaag een passieve minderheidsbelegging aan van het Petershill-programma van Goldman Sachs Asset Management, waarmee een strategische relatie wordt gecreëerd met een van ‘s werelds meest vooraanstaande vermogensbeheerders en de positie van Slate wordt versterkt voor toekomstig succes. De transactie zal geen invloed hebben op de controle of besluitvorming van Slate. De dagelijkse bedrijfsvoering en het management van Slate blijft ongewijzigd.

De investering levert kapitaal op dat Slate zal gebruiken om haar platform te versterken en haar GP investeringen in huidige en toekomstige bedrijven en investeringsvehikels te verhogen, waardoor de afstemming van de onderneming met haar klanten en investeringspartners verder wordt versterkt.

Slate Asset Management Announces Minority Investment From Goldman Sachs Asset Management’s Petershill Program

TORONTO–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Slate Asset Management L.P. (Slate), a leading alternative asset management platform with a focus on real estate and real assets, today announced a passive, non-voting minority equity investment from Goldman Sachs Asset Management’s Petershill program, creating a strategic relationship with one of the world’s leading investment managers and positioning Slate for future success. The transaction will have no impact on the control or decision making of Slate. The day-to-day operations and management of Slate will remain unchanged.

The investment provides capital that Slate will use to enhance its platform and increase its GP investments in current and future businesses and investment vehicles, further strengthening the firm’s alignment with its clients and investing partners.

The investment accelerates Slate’s goal to build the leading independent alternative investment platform in real estate and real assets. As part of the transaction, Slate Founders Blair and Brady Welch have made a long-term commitment to the business.

To date Slate has completed over $11 billion of transactions across Canada, the U.S. and Europe, through multiple vehicles spanning co-investments with global institutional partners, private equity funds and publicly-traded Real Estate Investment Trusts.

“This investment in our platform is an endorsement of our people, our strategy and our future,” said Brady Welch, co-founder of Slate. “For our investors and our team, this is excellent news; our strategy and model remain the same, and we can now benefit from our new relationship with Goldman.”

Blair Welch, co-founder of Slate, added that: “Since we started Slate nearly 15 years ago, we have showed that we can build tremendous value by providing our investors with a unique perspective, focusing on the fundamentals of the assets we acquire and delivering hands-on management that is innovative and creative. With our new relationship with Goldman Sachs, Brady and I are enthusiastic about what all of us at Slate can accomplish together over the next decade and beyond.”

“Slate Asset Management is an incredibly innovative, dynamic real-estate focused alternative asset management platform,” said Robert Hamilton Kelly, Managing Director, Goldman Sachs Asset Management Petershill program. “We are big believers in the strategy, the team and the model. We are excited to partner with Slate as they work to capture the opportunities before them.”

About Slate Asset Management

Slate Asset Management L.P. is a leading real-estate focused alternative investment platform with over $6 billion in assets under management. Slate is a value-oriented manager and a significant sponsor of all of its private and publicly-traded investment vehicles, which are tailored to the unique goals and objectives of its investors. The firm’s careful and selective investment approach creates long-term value with an emphasis on capital preservation and outsized returns. Slate is supported by exceptional people, flexible capital and a demonstrated ability to originate and execute on a wide range of compelling investment opportunities. Visit slateam.com to learn more.

About Goldman Sachs Asset Management’s (GSAM) Petershill Program

The Petershill program is managed by GSAM’s Alternative Investments & Manager Selection (AIMS) Group, which provides investors with investment and advisory solutions across leading private equity funds, hedge fund managers, real estate managers, public equity strategies and fixed income strategies. With investments in over 20 asset management firms, the Petershill program provides strategic capital to mid-sized asset management firms and has raised over $5 billion of commitments since inception. GSAM is one of the world’s leading investment managers with more than $1 trillion in assets under supervision globally as of June 30, 2019.


Slate Asset Management

Katie Fasken


Goldman Sachs

Patrick Scanlan


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