21:20 uur 20-08-2019

Novalis LifeSciences lanceert zijn eerste Life Science Investment Fund met 85 miljoen dollar

HAMPTON, N.H.- (BUSINESS WIRE) – 20 augustus, 2019, Novalis LifeSciences, een investerings- en adviesfirma voor de Life Science industrie, kondigde vandaag aan dat het $85M in kapitaal voor zijn eerste fonds – Novalis LifeSciences Investments I, L.P. heeft opgehaald.

Novalis LifeSciences richt zich op zeer innovatieve Life Science bedrijven. Ter gelegenheid van de sluiting van het eerste fonds zei Marijn E. Dekkers, oprichter en voorzitter van het eerste fonds: “Dit eerste fonds is een groeigericht fonds dat zal investeren in 8-12 bedrijven die baanbrekende technologieën commercialiseren in verschillende segmenten van de Life Science industrie. Dit omvat de ontdekking van geneesmiddelen, life science tools, genomics, synthetische biologie, diagnostiek en landbouwbiotechnologie – allemaal gebieden met grote onvervulde behoeften en spannende mogelijkheden voor investeerders.”

Novalis LifeSciences Launches its First Life Science Investment Fund with $85 Million

HAMPTON, N.H.–(BUSINESS WIRE)– August 20th, 2019, Novalis LifeSciences, an investment and advisory firm for the Life Science industry, announced today that it has raised $85M in capital for its first fund – Novalis LifeSciences Investments I, L.P.

Novalis LifeSciences is focused on highly innovative Life Science companies. On the occasion of closing the first fund, Marijn E. Dekkers, founder and chairman, said: “This first fund is a growth-oriented fund that will invest in 8-12 companies that are commercializing breakthrough technologies in various segments of the Life Science industry. This includes drug discovery, life science tools, genomics, synthetic biology, diagnostics, and agricultural biotechnology – all areas with huge unmet needs and exciting opportunities for investors”.

About Novalis LifeSciences

Novalis Lifesciences LLC, is a globally acting venture capital firm focused on breakthrough technologies in Life Science. Founded and managed by Dr. Marijn E. Dekkers, current chairman of Unilever and former chief executive officer of Bayer AG and Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc., Novalis works with a diversified group of project-based specialists leading in their respective life science fields.

For more information please visit www.novalislifesciences.com or contact info@novalislifesciences.com


Novalis LifeSciences
Marijn Dekkers


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