19:23 uur 18-09-2019

Ceravision Ltd: Baanbrekende resultaten nieuwe lichttechnologie voor tuinbouw

MILTON KEYNES, Engeland-(BUSINESS WIRE)- Ceravision Limited, uitvinder van een nieuwe en unieke wetenschappelijke benadering van tuinbouwverlichting, kondigt vandaag de resultaten aan van proeven die de afgelopen zes maanden zijn uitgevoerd met een groep toonaangevende tuinbouwbedrijven.

De resultaten van onafhankelijk uitgevoerde proeven met Bridge Farm Group op vergunning gegeven industriële hennep hebben een verhoging van opbrengst en kracht van 40% in vergelijking met andere verlichtingsoplossingen aangetoond. Proeven elders met slagewassen hebben ook voordelen aan het licht gebracht: snellere groei, minder pesticiden en minder afval.

Door gebruik te maken van de innovatieve plasma-lichttechnologie is Ceravision’s nieuwe en gepatenteerde benadering van tuinbouwverlichting gebaseerd op de mogelijkheid om unieke lichtspectra te produceren met ongeëvenaarde UV-A en UV-B-niveaus.

Ceravision Ltd: Ground Breaking Results for New Horticulture Light Technology

MILTON KEYNES, England–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Ceravision Limited, inventor of a new and unique scientific approach to horticulture lighting, today announced the results of trials undertaken over the last six months with a group of leading horticulture businesses.

Results from independently conducted trials with Bridge Farm Group on licenced industrial hemp have demonstrated an increase in yield and potency of 40% compared to other lighting solutions. Trials elsewhere on salad crops have also revealed benefits – faster growth, fewer pesticides and less waste.

Exploiting its innovative plasma light technology, Ceravision’s new and patented approach to horticultural lighting is based on the ability to produce unique light spectra with unparalleled levels of UV-A and UV-B.

This UV spectral range is crucial for indoor cultivation. UV can benefit plants as it enhances the production of the secondary metabolites that act as ‘sunscreens’ and boost aroma, flavonoids, terpenes, colour, nutritional and medicinal values. UV can also improve defences against insect and virus attacks and accelerated pollination.

Ceravision’s plasma UV420 grow-light is designed to complement traditional PAR grow-lights. With a spectrum concentrated from 280 to 550nm, it delivers the UV-A and UV-B not transmitted through greenhouse glass and not available from traditional PAR lights.

Barry Preston, Chief Scientist of Ceravision said: “We are delighted that the proprietary tailored light spectrum of our newly developed UV420 boosts yield, flavour and quality for a range of crops and has the potential to transform horticulture productivity”.

Andrew Fuller, Technical Director of Bridge Farm Group said: “We have tested Ceravision’s new grow-light in the cultivation of industrial hemp and found it to deliver significant benefits compared to other lighting technologies in boosting yield and cannabinoid content. I believe that Ceravision lighting technology and expertise offers a ground-breaking step forward in horticulture lighting”.

Notes for Editors

About Ceravision: Ceravision, a private UK company based in Milton Keynes, UK, has invented and patented High Efficiency Plasma (HEP) Lighting Technology. HEP is electrodeless plasma light with fewer of the constraints imposed by the optical radiation generators used in traditional light sources.

About Bridge Farm Group: The Bridge Farm Group, the European arm of the NASDAQ listed Sundial Group, is the leading producer of ornamental plants, flowers and herbs in the UK. Using the most innovative techniques in the industry, it sells more than 80 million units per year to retailers and consumers across the globe.



Peter Crook

t: 01908 379444

e: peter.crook@ceravision.com

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