09:02 uur 27-09-2019

Verimatrix: Indiening van het eerste halfjaar van 2019 Financieel verslag

AIX-EN-PROVENCE, Frankrijk & SAN DIEGO-(BUSINESS WIRE)- Regelgevend nieuws:

Verimatrix (Euronext Parijs: VMX), voorheen bekend onder de naam Inside Secure, een wereldwijde leverancier van beveiligings- en analyseoplossingen die apparaten, diensten en toepassingen beschermen, heeft vandaag aangekondigd dat het zijn tussentijds financieel verslag per 30 juni 2019 (“rapport financier semestriel”) ter beschikking heeft gesteld van het publiek en heeft gedeponeerd bij de Autorité des marchés financiers (de “AMF”). Het verslag is beschikbaar op de website van de Vennootschap: http://www.verimatrix-finance.com/en.

In haar tussentijdse financiële verslag voor de eerste helft van 2019 en na voltooiing van de eerste consolidatie van Verimatrix, Inc. en van de beperkte beoordeling van de financiële overzichten door de wettelijke auditors, rapporteert de onderneming de operationele en netto-inkomsten van IFRS beter dan die gerapporteerd op 29 juli 2019, terwijl de pro forma resultaten gerapporteerd op 29 juli 2019 over het algemeen ongewijzigd blijven.

Verimatrix: Filing of First Half 2019 Financial Report


Verimatrix (Euronext Paris: VMX), formerly known as Inside Secure, a global provider of security and analytics solutions that protect devices, services and applications, today announced that it has made available to the public and filed with the French financial market authority (the Autorité des marchés financiers – the “AMF”) its interim financial report as of June 30, 2019 (“rapport financier semestriel”). The report is available on the Company’s website: http://www.verimatrix-finance.com/en.

In its interim financial report for the first half of 2019 and after completion of the first consolidation of Verimatrix, Inc. and of the limited review of the financial statements by the statutory auditors, the Company reports IFRS operating and net incomes better than those reported on July 29, 2019, while pro forma results reported on July 29, 2019 remain unchanged overall.

(in $’000)




Net Income


Pro forma


As reported on July 29, 2019




Finalization of the computation of the provision for restructuring of Verimatrix, Inc.



Finalization of the computation of Verimatrix, Inc. deferred tax as of June 30, 2019


Reclassification from operating to financial result of certain foreign exchange income/loss items



Accrual for insurance claim receivable




Final figures




Financial calendar

  • Third-quarter 2019 revenue: October 15, 2019 (after market close)

About Verimatrix

Verimatrix (Euronext Paris – VMX) is a global provider of security and analytics solutions that protect devices, services and applications across multiple markets. Many of the world’s largest service providers and leading innovators trust Verimatrix to protect systems that people depend on every day for mobile apps, entertainment, banking, healthcare, communications and transportation. Verimatrix offers easy-to-use software solutions, cloud services and silicon IP that provide unparalleled security and business intelligence. Proud to empower and protect its customers for more than two decades, Verimatrix serves IoT software developers, device makers, semiconductor manufacturers, service providers and content distributors. For more information, visit www.verimatrix.com.


Investor and media contacts

Investor Relations
Richard Vacher Detournière

General Manager & CFO

+33 (0)4 42 905 905


Contact Media
Kelly Foster

+1 619 224 1261


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