Stats Perform en Control Risks kondigen wereldwijd partnerschap aan voor sportintegriteit op de ABC Minds Sports Anti-Corruption Conference
LAUSANNE, Zwitserland (BUSINESS WIRE) – Vandaag kondigen Stats Perform, de revolutionaire leider op het gebied van AI en data in de sport, en Control Risks, het toonaangevende gespecialiseerde risicoconsultancybedrijf, een uniek partnerschap aan om de beste uitgebreide oplossingen voor de integriteit van de sport op de markt te brengen.
Via de Stats Perform’s Integrity Unit zullen belanghebbenden in de sportindustrie, zoals houders van rechten, internationale federaties en bestuursorganen toegang hebben tot de wereldwijde onderzoekscapaciteiten van Control Risks om corruptie en wedstrijdvervalsing te voorkomen. Integriteitseenheden en compliance-afdelingen zullen toegang hebben tot een volledige reeks oplossingen, waaronder forensische boekhouding, gegevensanalyse en traditionele onderzoekscapaciteiten, om risico’s te beheren of onderzoeken uit te voeren.
Stats Perform and Control Risks Announce Global Sports Integrity Partnership at ABC Minds Sports Anti-Corruption Conference
LAUSANNE, Switzerland–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Today, Stats Perform, the revolutionary leader in sports AI and data, and Control Risks, the leading specialist risk consultancy, announce a unique partnership to bring best-in-class comprehensive sports integrity solutions to the market.
Through Stats Perform’s Integrity Unit, sports industry stakeholders such as rights holders, International Federations and Governing Bodies will be able to access Control Risks’ global investigative capabilities to help drive out corruption and match-fixing. Integrity units and compliance departments will have access to a full range of solutions, including forensic accounting, data analytics and traditional investigative capabilities, to manage risk or conduct investigations.
The partnership will combine Stats Perform’s offering across prevention, detection and investigation with Control Risks’ global investigative practice and experience in building resilient and compliant governance programmes. Together, they will help stakeholders ensure their integrity, anti-doping and compliance programmes are fit-for-purpose, while protecting the long-term value of their brands.
Furthermore, global sport stakeholders will be able to utilise the full suite of services the partnership has to offer, whether it is a team requiring due diligence on a potential investor, sponsor or new signing, or a business looking to partner with a new league or competition. The partnership will enable sports stakeholders to manage both sporting integrity and business risks in one place.
Nick Allan, CEO of Control Risks, said: “We are delighted to announce this exciting new partnership with Stats Perform to help the sports industry in its desire to combat the threats to its integrity posed by corruption and match-fixing. Our global investigations capabilities will enable all stakeholders, to be able to call on our support as part of their contract with Stats Perform.”
Mike Perez, COO of Stats Perform, said: “As the sports industry goes through a data revolution, our existing integrity services will benefit from complementary investigative capabilities to identify, investigate and respond to threats. We are very pleased to move forward with Control Risks who have the global capabilities to match our aspirations.”
Jonny Gray, Global Head of Sport at Control Risks, said: “This is a very exciting development as the sports industry looks for comprehensive support to combat existential threats to its integrity, trust and value. It gives Stats Perform’s clients the opportunity for a complete integrity solution.”
Jake Marsh, Head of Integrity at Stats Perform, said: “Sports stakeholders face a variety of governance and integrity challenges. Our role is not simply to help them identify and mitigate risk, but to assist in investigation and response. Our partnership with Control Risks helps us do that and provide a better, more complete service to our clients.”
About Control Risks
Control Risks is a specialist risk consulting firm that helps create secure, compliant and resilient organizations. We believe that taking risks is essential to success, so we provide the insight and intelligence you need to realize opportunities and grow.
Our experts across 34 offices bring experience in prosecution and law enforcement, accounting, management consulting, regional business intelligence, forensic technology and cyber security to advise the world’s largest multinational companies on major regulatory issues, conduct complex cross-border investigations and build robust compliance programs.
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About Stats Perform
Stats Perform collects the richest sports data in the world and transforms it through revolutionary artificial intelligence (AI) to unlock the most in-depth insights for media and technology, betting and team performance. With company roots dating back almost 40 years, Stats Perform embraces and solves the dynamic nature of sport – be that for digital and broadcast media with differentiated storytelling, tech companies with reliable and fast data to power their innovations, sportsbooks with in-play betting and integrity services, or teams with first-of-its-kind AI analysis software. As the leading sports data and AI company, Stats Perform works with the top global sports media, tech companies, sportsbooks, teams and leagues.
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Caspar Leighton, Control Risks Global Content Director / +44 07712391228
Sarah Butler, Stats Perform PR Manager / +44 07432631237
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