17:54 uur 09-10-2019

Ontdek wat bedrijven kunnen verwachten deze winter

UTRECHT, Nederland – (BUSINESS WIRE) – De winter nadert snel. Is uw bedrijf klaar voor het seizoen 2019/2020? Periodes van zwaar weer kunnen een dramatische en uiteenlopende impact hebben in verschillende bedrijfssectoren in Europa. Verwerf waardevolle inzichten van wereldwijde weerexperts door u in te schrijven voor het MeteoGroup Winter Outlook Webinar. Het evenement is 17 oktober om 16:00 uur CEST (15:00 UTC).

De 30 minuten durende sessie is afgestemd op diverse sectoren zoals transport, nutsvoorzieningen, energie, verzekeringen, landbouw en detailhandel en omvat een winterse langetermijnprognose met seizoensgebonden en subseizoensgebonden voorspellingen die cruciaal zijn voor het anticiperen op extreme weersverschijnselen.

Find Out What Businesses Can Expect This Winter Season

UTRECHT, Netherlands–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Winter is fast approaching. Is your business prepared for the 2019/2020 season? Periods of severe weather can have a dramatic and diverse impact across various business sectors in Europe. Gain valuable insights from global weather experts by registering for the MeteoGroup Winter Outlook Webinar. The event is October 17 at 16:00 CEST (15:00 UTC).

Tailored for diverse industries such as transport, utility, energy, insurance, agriculture and retail, the 30-minute session includes a winter long range forecast with seasonal and sub-seasonal range forecasts critical for anticipating weather extremes.

MeteoGroup and World Climate Service meteorologists will discuss current factors influencing the forecast, emerging weather shifts and how current climate changes are shaping weather. Registrants will also have time to interact with industry experts and can ask specific weather-related questions. To register visit MeteoGroup Winter Outlook Webinar.

MeteoGroup, the global weather authority, combines accurate science with advanced technology and local expertise with global reach. The company has offices in 12 countries with 9 weather rooms in 8 of these countries. MeteoGroup provides weather expertise and support to multiple industries including transport, energy, utility, insurance, retail, agriculture and insurance. The company delivers weather expertise into the hands of consumers through its best-selling weather apps WeatherPro and MeteoEarth, as well as numerous weather websites. For more information visit www.meteogroup.com.


Lori Johnson,

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+1 405 609 9171

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