12:47 uur 17-10-2019

Sonion sluit zich aan bij het wereldwijde Qualcomm Extension Program

HOOFDDORP, Nederland (BUSINESS WIRE) – Sonion®, wereldleider in het ontwerpen en produceren van componenten en oplossingen voor hoortoestellen, in-ear oortelefoons en hoorbaar/draagbaar materiaal, kondigt vandaag aan dat het nu lid is van het Qualcomm® Extension Program en in het eerste kwartaal van 2020 de Sonion Voice Pick Up Bone Sensor op de Qualcomm®Ultra-Low Power QCC5100 Bluetooth-SoC-serie zal aanbieden.

Wat als u een betrouwbare spraakkwaliteit en spraakherkenning in uw toepassing kunt implementeren die helemaal niet wordt gehinderd door omgevingsgeluid? Zelfs in de moeilijkste omstandigheden: in een druk restaurant, in de trein of tijdens het luisteren naar muziek. Met de Voice Pick Up Bonesensor van Sonion kun je precies dat doen! In tegenstelling tot een gewone MEMS-microfoon, vertrouwt deze op botgeleiding om de eigen stem nauwkeurig en betrouwbaar op te vangen tussen alle andere geluiden. De VPU-botsensor maakt handsfree bellen van hoge kwaliteit, spraakopdrachten en zelfs realtime vertaling mogelijk in de meest lawaaierige omgevingen.

Sonion Joins Global Qualcomm Extension Program

HOOFDDORP, Netherlands–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Sonion®, global leader in designing and manufacturing components and solutions for hearing aids, in-ear earphones and hearables/wearables, today announced that it is now a member of the Qualcomm® Extension Program and will offer the Sonion Voice Pick Up Bone Sensor on the Qualcomm®Ultra-Low Power QCC5100 Bluetooth SoC series in Q1 2020.

What if you can implement reliable voice quality and voice recognition in your application that is not hindered by surrounding noise at all? Even in the most difficult conditions: in a crowded restaurant, on the train or while listening to music. Sonion’s Voice Pick Up Bone Sensor allows you to do just that! Unlike a regular MEMS microphone, it relies on bone conduction to accurately and reliably pick up one’s own voice among all other sounds. The VPU Bone Sensor enables high-quality hands-free phone calls, voice commands and even real-time translation in the noisiest environments.

Manufacturers will be able to integrate the Sonion Voice Pick Up Bone Sensor quickly and cost -effectively into headphones, earbuds and hearable devices built using the Qualcomm QCC5100 Bluetooth SoC series. Sonion enables partners at various levels in the value chain to offer improved speech intelligibility. As part of Qualcomm Extension Program, Sonion can help support manufacturers develop exciting new use cases.,

To expand the possibilities of the VPU Bone Sensor, Sonion developed a strategic collaboration with Absolute Audio Labs BV (AAL), another member of the Qualcomm Extension program. “AAL’s Award winning PYOUR Audio software platform supports a large variety of use cases for the VPU Bone Sensor by providing enhancements through the advanced noise suppression and frequency shaping algorithms that are embedded in our platform”, says Absolute Audio Labs CEO/Founder Aernout Arends. PYOUR Audio is fully developed for Qualcomm QCC5100 Bluetooth SoC Series

Qualcomm is a trademark of Qualcomm Incorporated, registered in the United States and other countries.

Qualcomm Low Power Bluetooth SoC QCC5100 series is a product of Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. and/or its subsidiaries. Qualcomm Extension Program is offered by Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. and/or its subsidiaries.


Hamidreza Taghavi

+31 20 6068 100

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