Andersen Global breidt uit in India met het lidmaatschap van Nangia Andersen LLP
SAN FRANCISCO-(BUSINESS WIRE)- Andersen Global blijft zijn voetafdruk in het Oosten uitbreiden en kondigt de toevoeging aan van een nieuw lidbedrijf in India, Nangia Andersen LLP.
Andersen Global debuteerde meer dan een jaar geleden in India toen Nangia Advisors LLP een samenwerkingsovereenkomst met de internationale vereniging ondertekende. Het bedrijf, een van de grootste in India, heeft meer dan 350 professionals op tal van kantoorlocaties in het land, waaronder Noida, New Delhi, Mumbai, Gurugram, Bengaluru, Pune, Chennai en Dehradun.
Al bijna 38 jaar verleent het kantoor diensten aan multinationale ondernemingen met Indiase belangen in toegangsstrategie, reorganisaties, grensoverschrijdende belastingheffing, verrekenprijzen, belastingadvies en -advies, fiscale geschillen, fusies en overnames, GST en investeringsbankieren in een breed scala aan sectoren.
Andersen Global Expands in India With Membership of Nangia Andersen LLP
SAN FRANCISCO–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Andersen Global continues to expand its footprint in the East, announcing the addition of a new member firm in India, Nangia Andersen LLP.
Andersen Global debuted in India over a year ago when Nangia Advisors LLP signed a collaborating agreement with the international association. The firm, one of the largest in India, has 350+ professionals in numerous office locations throughout the country, including Noida, New Delhi, Mumbai, Gurugram, Bengaluru, Pune, Chennai and Dehradun.
For nearly 38 years, the firm has provided services to multinational companies with India interests in entry strategy, re-organizations, cross-border taxation, transfer pricing, tax consulting and advising, tax litigation, mergers & acquisitions, GST and investment banking across a broad range of sectors.
“Andersen Global and Nangia Andersen LLP match in terms of values and commitment to transparency, high ethical standards, technical accuracy and quality service to clients. We found immediate synergy with the professionals at Andersen Global,” said Rakesh Nangia, Chairman of the new member firm. “The experience of our people and our clients with Andersen Global over the past year has been exceptional and we are proud to now be a member firm and to continue providing best-in-class, seamless service to our clients across the globe.”
“Since day one, Rakesh and his team have been a fit for our organization. We know their values, their commitment to their clients and we know they will carry the Andersen name well,” said Mark Vorsatz, Andersen Global Chairman and CEO of Andersen.
Andersen Global is an international association of legally separate, independent member firms comprised of tax and legal professionals around the world. Established in 2013 by U.S. member firm Andersen Tax LLC, Andersen Global now has more than 4,500 professionals worldwide and a presence in over 153 locations through its member firms and collaborating firms.
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Megan Tsuei
Andersen Global
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