Novasec gaat 80 miljoen euro ophalen voor het grootste windpark op het Spaanse vasteland
Novasec werkt samen met Enlight Renewable Energy op Gecama, een 312-megawatt-windmolenpark, door gekwalificeerde investeerders toegang te bieden tot deze aantrekkelijke investering door middel van een private plaatsing op zijn end-to-end platform.
Novasec Ltd. is verheugd te kunnen aankondigen dat het de exclusieve rechten heeft verworven om € 80 miljoen te kunnen aantrekken voor de financiering van de ontwikkeling van Gecama, een windpark op het vasteland in Spanje met een omvang van ~312 megawatt. Gecama is het eerste van verschillende projecten die Novasec wil financieren met behulp van een innovatief investeringsplatform dat gericht is op het bereiken van de beleggingsdoelstellingen van gekwalificeerde particuliere en kleine tot middelgrote institutionele beleggers.
TEL AVIV, Israel-(BUSINESS WIRE)- De exclusieve fondsenwervingsrechten zijn verkregen door middel van een overeenkomst met Enlight Renewable Energy Ltd., een wereldwijde leider in de ontwikkeling van duurzame energie en eigenaar van Gecama. De verwachting is dat Gecama in het eerste kwartaal van 2020 met de bouw van start gaat en naar verwachting tot € 330 miljoen zal kosten om te voltooien. De totale verwachte inkomsten over de levensduur van het project bedragen € 2 miljard.
Novasec to Raise €80 Million for Spain’s Largest Onshore Wind Farm
Novasec partners with Enlight Renewable Energy on Gecama, a 312-megawatt wind farm project, by offering qualified investors access to this attractive investment through a private placement on its end-to-end platform.
Novasec Ltd. is pleased to announce that it has secured the exclusive rights to raise €80 million to fund the development of Gecama, a ~312-megawatt onshore wind farm in Spain. Gecama is the first of several projects Novasec is setting out to fund using an innovative investment platform focused on achieving the investment objectives of qualified private and small-to-medium institutional investors.
TEL AVIV, Israel–(BUSINESS WIRE)– The exclusive fundraising rights were secured through an agreement with Enlight Renewable Energy Ltd., a global leader in renewable energy development and the owner of Gecama. Gecama is projected to start construction in Q1 2020 and is expected to cost up to €330 million to complete. The total expected revenue over the lifetime of the project is €2 billion.
“Gecama provides a unique market opportunity for investors and we are thrilled to be working with Enlight on our first venture together,” says Michael Tishler, CEO and co-founder of Novasec. “At Novasec, we pride ourselves on sourcing high-quality wind and solar projects, performing extensive due diligence and finding the right deal structure for each fundraising we undertake. We selected Gecama as our first effort because it meets all of our key criteria and we are excited to bring this highly attractive opportunity to investors on our platform.”
With its 312 MW capacity, Gecama will be Spain’s largest onshore wind farm. Located in Castilla La-Mancha, the development site was chosen for its high, stable wind levels and the availability of grid connection. Spain’s new decarbonization policy targets a 100% renewable energy electricity system by 2050 and a ban on new oil and gas exploration. Given these ambitious goals and the concrete actions Spain has already taken to promote green energy, the country’s renewable sector is an ideal opportunity for investing with impact.
Novasec has developed an end-to-end platform for financing renewable energy projects through regulated private placements for qualified investors, with Novasec managing the entire investment process. The platform also offers investors the option to register their investments as digital securities, giving them more flexibility and liquidity.
As a leading developer in the global energy market, Enlight Renewable Energy stands at the forefront of the green revolution and is a publicly traded company on the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange. Enlight specializes in the initiation, development, financing, construction, management and operation of renewable energy projects such as wind and photovoltaic systems.
About Novasec Ltd.
Novasec is a Tel Aviv-based innovative investment platform for the fast-growing renewable energy sector. Bringing together a rigorous process for project selection, along with the advantages created by digital securities, Novasec is funding the future, offering investors with clean, impact investments with attractive returns.
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