18:45 uur 04-11-2019

OpenGate sluit tweede institutioneel fonds met $ 585 miljoen aan verbintenissen

Overschrijdt doelstelling van $ 450 miljoen met verbintenissen van bestaande en nieuwe institutionele beleggers

LOS ANGELES & PARIJS– (BUSINESS WIRE) – OpenGate Capital, een wereldwijde private equity-onderneming, heeft vandaag aangekondigd dat het zijn tweede institutionele fonds, OpenGate Capital Partners II & II-A, LP, heeft afgesloten voor ongeveer $ 585 miljoen, een bedrag dat dertig procent boven het oorspronkelijke doel van $ 450 miljoen lag. Het nieuwe fonds ondersteunt de doorlopende strategie van OpenGate om te investeren in lagere middelgrote bedrijven in Noord-Amerika en Europa in vier focussectoren: industrie, technologie, consumenten- en zakelijke dienstverlening.

Andrew Nikou, oprichter en CEO, verklaarde: “We zijn zeer vereerd om het vertrouwen te hebben van onze bestaande investeerders die ons opnieuw hebben geëngageerd, en enthousiast zijn om samen te werken met onze nieuwe investeerders die enkele van de meest geavanceerde, institutionele investeerders vertegenwoordigen. Het hele team van OpenGate kijkt ernaar uit om met al onze Limited Partners te blijven werken en te investeren in en de activiteiten in onze twee portefeuilles te optimaliseren. Onze grootste waardering gaat ook uit naar UBS en Kirkland en Ellis, die wederom onze vertrouwde adviseurs en partners waren om Fonds II over de streep te trekken.”

OpenGate Closes Second Institutional Fund with $585 Million in Commitments

Exceeds Target of $450 Million with Commitments from Existing and New Institutional Investors

LOS ANGELES & PARIS–(BUSINESS WIRE)– OpenGate Capital, a global private equity firm, announced today that it has closed its second institutional fund, OpenGate Capital Partners II & II-A, LP, at approximately $585 million, an amount that was thirty percent above its initial target of $450 million. The new fund supports OpenGate’s on-going strategy to invest in lower middle market businesses throughout North America and Europe across four focus industries: Industrials, Technology, Consumer and Business Services.

Andrew Nikou, Founder and CEO, stated, “We are extremely honored to have the trust and confidence from our existing investors who re-committed with us, and excited to partner with our new investors who represent some of the most sophisticated, institutional investors. The entire team at OpenGate is looking forward to continuing to work with all of our Limited Partners and investing in and optimizing the businesses in our two portfolios. Our deepest appreciation also goes out to UBS and Kirkland and Ellis who were once again our trusted advisors and partners in bringing Fund II over the finish line.”

OpenGate’s second institutional fund comprises 23 investors from seven countries, including pensions, asset managers, consultants, fund of funds, wealth managers, and insurance companies from the US, Europe and the Middle East.

UBS Securities, LLC served as the private placement agent, and Kirkland & Ellis, LLP served as legal counsel in connection with the fund raise.

OpenGate has already completed six platform investments this year through its second fund including Fiven, SMAC, Sargent & Greenleaf, Duraco, InRule Technologies and CoreMedia.

OpenGate’s first fund, a 2015 vintage, completed nine platform investments including Power Partners, Bois & Matériaux, Energi Fenestration Solutions, Alfatherm, EverZinc, Hufcor, Mersive Technologies, Jotul/Ravelli, and Fichet Security Solutions.

About OpenGate Capital

Founded in 2005, OpenGate Capital is a global private equity firm that strives to acquire and optimize lower middle market businesses throughout North America and Europe. With a strategic international presence and a focus on corporate carve-outs and complex situations, the firm’s expertise allows it to realize a seller’s divestiture objectives while mitigating the risks associated with a business’s transition to independence. OpenGate is headquartered in Los Angeles and Paris and has a seasoned in-house team of professionals overseeing the entire lifecycle of each investment. To learn more about OpenGate, please visit www.opengatecapital.com.


OpenGate Media Contact
Alanna Chaffin

Email: achaffin@opengatecapital.com
Telephone: +1 (310) 432-7000

OpenGate Business Development Contact
Joshua Adams

Email: jadams@opengatecapital.com
Telephone: +1 (310) 432-7000

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