Affise introduceert wereldwijd rapport over advertentiefraude in prestatiemarketing voor 2020: statistieken, trends en oplossingen
VILNIUS, Litouwen – (BUSINESS WIRE) – Met miljarden dollars omzet is digitale reclame zeer aantrekkelijk geworden voor reclamefraudeurs. De groeiende tendensen van verlies van advertentiebudget aan frauduleuze activiteiten hebben Affise ertoe aangezet om onderzoek naar prestatiemarketingfraude te doen om de omvang van het probleem te begrijpen en met de juiste oplossingen en aanbevelingen te komen.
Dit persbericht bevat multimedia. Bekijk hier de volledige release:
Het rapport onthult de nieuwste statistieken waaruit blijkt dat 35,3% van al het verwerkte verkeer in de eerste twee kwartalen van 2019 frauduleus was. Dit cijfer is bijna 60% hoger dan in 2018, toen het fraudeaandeel 22% van al het verwerkte verkeer bedroeg. Een grondige studie van de wereldwijde status van advertentiefraude voorspelt de belangrijkste factoren die de prestaties en de aangesloten marketingbedrijven in 2020 zullen bepalen. Het rapport is het resultaat van een goed geplande onderzoeksmethode, waarbij zowel primaire als secundaire onderzoekstools werden gebruikt.
Affise Introduces Global Report on Ad Fraud in Performance Marketing for 2020: Statistics, Trends and Solutions
VILNIUS, Lithuania–(BUSINESS WIRE)– With billions of dollars turnover, digital advertising has become very attractive for ad fraudsters. The growing tendencies of advertising budget losses to fraudulent activities have prompted Affise to conduct the study of performance marketing fraud to understand the scope of the problem and come out with proper solutions and recommendations.
This press release features multimedia. View the full release here:

Ad Fraud in Performance Marketing: Statistics, Trends and Solutions (Photo: Business Wire)
The report uncovers the latest statistics showing that 35,3% of all processed traffic in the first two quarters of 2019 was fraudulent. This figure constitutes almost 60% rise if to compare with 2018, when the fraud share was 22% of all processed traffic. A thorough study of the global ad fraud state forecasts the key factors that will determine the performance and affiliate marketing industries in 2020. The report is a result of a well-planned research methodology, which employed both primary and secondary research tools.
Fraud in Performance Marketing Report covers the following chapters:
- How disruptive ad fraud can be
- What is fraud in performance marketing?
- What can affiliate managers do to prevent fraud?
- Fraud prevention tools: In-house vs Outsourced
- Key fraud prevention tools covered in report: FraudScore, Fraud Defense, FraudShield, Forensiq
Download the full Fraud in Performance Marketing Report here!
“As the leading performance marketing platform, we are committed to creating a stronger and better ecosystem for advertisers and performance marketers. That’s why the main objectives under the report were to analyze how ad fraud affects the industry and to offer various alternatives on how to fight it: from in-house and SaaS solutions to custom-built platforms,” – commented Dmitrii Zotov, Founder and CTO of Affise.
About Affise
Affise is a technological platform for performance marketing, data analysis and ad campaigns’ automation. Since 2015, Affise has been operating as a technology-first company providing cutting-edge solutions and customizable products to manage direct publisher relationships.
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Anastasia Zaichko
Head of Public Relations