17:42 uur 08-01-2020

Mouser Electronics en Grant Imahara tonen contract productie in videofinale “Engineering Big Ideas”

SAN JOSE, Californië – (BUSINESS WIRE) – Mouser Electronics, Inc. en de beroemde ingenieur Grant Imahara hebben vandaag de laatste Engineering Big Ideas video uitgebracht, de nieuwste serie in het bekroonde Empowering Innovation Together ™ -programma van Mouser. Ga naar https://mou.sr/EIT2019-4 om de verhelderende video te bekijken.

Dit persbericht bevat multimedia. Bekijk hier de volledige release: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20200108005588/en/

De laatste aflevering van de serie neemt kijkers mee naar Silicon Valley, waar Imahara een ontmoeting heeft met Beth Kendrick, President of Valley Services Electronics (VSE) – een fullservicefabrikant die op maat gemaakte printplaten (PCB’s) assembleert, gespecialiseerd in low-volume en prototype elektronica diensten. De Engineering Big Ideas serie wordt ondersteund door Mouser’s gewaardeerde leveranciers Analog Devices, Intel®, Microchip Technologie en Molex.

Mouser Electronics and Grant Imahara Showcase Contract Manufacturing in “Engineering Big Ideas” Video Finale

SAN JOSE, Calif.–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Mouser Electronics, Inc. and celebrity engineer Grant Imahara today released the final Engineering Big Ideas video, the latest series in Mouser’s award-winning Empowering Innovation Together™ program. To watch the enlightening video, go to https://mou.sr/EIT2019-4.

This press release features multimedia. View the full release here: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20200108005588/en/

Global distributor Mouser Electronics and engineer spokesperson Grant Imahara take viewers to Silicon Valley in the final video in the Engineering Big Ideas series, part of Mouser’s Empowering Innovation Together program. Imahara goes behind the scenes at Valley Services Electronics, a full-service manufacturer of custom printed circuit board assemblies (PCBAs). To learn more, visit www.mouser.com/empowering-innovation/Engineering-Big-Ideas. (Photo: Business Wire)

Global distributor Mouser Electronics and engineer spokesperson Grant Imahara take viewers to Silicon Valley in the final video in the Engineering Big Ideas series, part of Mouser’s Empowering Innovation Together program. Imahara goes behind the scenes at Valley Services Electronics, a full-service manufacturer of custom printed circuit board assemblies (PCBAs). To learn more, visit www.mouser.com/empowering-innovation/Engineering-Big-Ideas. (Photo: Business Wire)

The series’ final installment takes viewers to Silicon Valley, where Imahara meets with Beth Kendrick, President of Valley Services Electronics (VSE) — a full-service manufacturer that assembles custom printed circuit boards (PCB), specializing in low-volume and prototype electronics services. The Engineering Big Ideas series is supported by Mouser’s valued suppliers Analog Devices, Intel®, Microchip Technology and Molex.

“Manufacturing is often one of the last and most important stops on the electronic design engineer’s journey to product creation,” said Glenn Smith, President and CEO of Mouser Electronics, an authorized global distributor of the newest semiconductors and electronic components. “In order to push products through to the finish line, it is essential for product engineers to be on the lookout for any red flags when selecting components for their products and then when choosing the right manufacturing partner.”

The new video goes behind the scenes with Kendrick and the VSE team, who share first-hand advice for new product innovators and highlight what creators should look for in a PCB assembly (PCBA) manufacturer to ensure a smooth go-to-market process. The team describes how they broke through the confines of offshore manufacturing norms and what that means for today’s innovators.

“Asking all of the key questions, the right how, why and what, to potential manufacturing partners is critical to ensuring your vision and product come to fruition. We are excited to showcase this last step,” Imahara added.

The global distributor’s Empowering Innovation Together program has been one of the most recognized and notable electronic component marketing programs since 2015, highlighting a range of innovative developments from IoT and smart cities of the future to robotics technologies.

To learn more about Engineering Big Ideas and all of Mouser’s Empowering Innovation Together series, visit www.mouser.com/empowering-innovation and follow Mouser on Facebook and Twitter.

About Mouser Electronics

Mouser Electronics, a Berkshire Hathaway company, is an award-winning, authorized semiconductor and electronic component distributor focused on rapid New Product Introductions from its manufacturing partners for electronic design engineers and buyers. The global distributor’s website, Mouser.com, is available in multiple languages and currencies and features more than 5 million products from over 800 manufacturers. Mouser offers 27 support locations around the world to provide best-in-class customer service and ships globally to over 630,000 customers in 223 countries/territories from its 750,000 sq. ft. state-of-the-art facility south of Dallas, Texas. For more information, visit www.mouser.com.

About Grant Imahara

Well known in the engineering community, Grant Imahara has paired his engineering expertise with a successful TV and film career. In addition to his roles on MythBusters and BattleBots, Imahara has worked on many famous robotic characters, including R2-D2 from Star Wars, the talking robot skeleton sidekick Geoff Peterson from The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson, and the Energizer Bunny.


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Further information, contact:

Kevin Hess, Mouser Electronics

Senior Vice President of Marketing

(817) 804-3833


For press inquiries, contact:

Kelly DeGarmo, Mouser Electronics

Manager, Corporate Communications and Media Relations

(817) 804-7764


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