Conquest investeert in 5 Greenfield Onshore windparken met een totale waarde van 43 MW in het Vlaamse Gewest
DUBLIN– (BUSINESS WIRE) – Conquest kondigde via het Conquest Sustainable Infrastructure-fonds aan dat de transactie werd gesloten nadat een exclusieve overeenkomst met ENGIE Electrabel was bereikt. Conquest verwerft 51% van een portefeuille die naar verwachting 111 GWh per jaar hernieuwbare energie zal leveren, wat het jaarlijkse elektriciteitsverbruik van ongeveer 32.000 Belgische huizen vanaf begin 2021 vertegenwoordigt. De projecten profiteren van 15 tot 20-jarige groene certificaten lokale beloningsregelingen en genereren zodoende jaarlijks beveiligde inkomsten.
Terwijl de energie- en digitale transities de infrastructuursector blijven aansturen, blijft Conquest zijn gediversifieerde duurzame portefeuille van reële activa opbouwen in West-Europese markten. Het succes ligt in jarenlange samenwerking en langdurige partnerships met collega-industrie-experts die met name de toegang tot nieuwe groeikansen kunnen vergemakkelijken.
Conquest Invests in 5 Greenfield Onshore Wind Parks Totalizing 43MW in the Flanders Region
DUBLIN–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Conquest, acting through the Conquest Sustainable Infrastructure fund, announced the transaction was closed after an exclusive agreement had been reached with ENGIE Electrabel. Conquest acquires 51% of a portfolio expected to provide 111 GWh per annum of renewable power representing the annual electricity consumption of about 32,000 Belgian homes from early 2021 onwards. The projects benefit from 15 to 20-year green certificates local remuneration schemes, and thus generate yearly secured revenues.
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Credit: Electrabel
While the energy and digital transitions continue to drive the infrastructure sector, Conquest keeps building its diversified sustainable real asset portfolio in Western European markets. The success lies in years of collaboration and long-lasting partnerships with fellow industry experts who can notably facilitate access to new growth opportunities.
These investments are in line with the fund’s strategy to invest into risk-adjusted portfolios across Europe. While the role of government bonds as portfolio ballast has come under scrutiny as the pool of sovereign bonds with negative yields burgeons – a particularly thorny challenge for institutions like insurers and pension funds that have liability-matching needs, the resilience stemming from such yielding, stable and predictable cash flows is very attractive.
About Conquest
As an alternative asset management firm, Conquest invests in and operates long-life, high quality assets and businesses on behalf of its clients, which range from large pension funds to single-family offices. The firm provides global commerce with critical infrastructure and drives tomorrow’s economy with sustainable power. It has a team of 15 professionals, €250 million worth of assets under management, and 17 investments across Western Europe.
About ENGIE Electrabel
Electrabel, subsidiary of the ENGIE group, is the biggest energy company of Belgium. It is active in power production, power and natural gas sales and energy related services. The company supplies innovative, value creating and tailor-made energy solutions to its 2.7 mios residential, business and industrial customers. Electrabel operates locally a diversified power production fleet with an installed capacity of 9700 MW. It is comprised of renewable energy sources, classical production units and nuclear power plants. The CO2 emission of its production park is one of the lowest in Europe. Additionally, Electrabel is the biggest green power producer of Belgium with an installed capacity of 721 MW.
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Frédéric Palanque – Managing Director