17:13 uur 22-02-2016

MWC Exclusief: AdaptiveMobile laat wat en hoe van nieuwste SS7-locatietracking zien

BARCELONA, Spanje–(BUSINESS WIRE)– AdaptiveMobile, wereldleider in de beveiliging van mobiele netwerken, onthult voor het eerst unieke visualisaties van drie geavanceerde SS7-trackingplatforms voor het nagaan van de locatie van abonnees.

AdaptiveMobile werkt sinds de lancering van zijn SS7-beveiliging in februari 2015 met mobiele netwerken over de hele wereld voor de analyse van zijn SS7-netwerkgegevens. De visualisaties op het Mobiel World Congress laten zien hoe geavanceerde pakketcombinaties, meerdere herkomstpunten en een reeks aanvalsmogelijkheden worden ingezet voor het volgen van abonnees over de hele wereld. Dit onderzoek laat specifieke voorbeelden zien, zoals bewijs van een internationaal SS7-controlesysteem dat in twee minuten en twintig seconden vanuit landen in vier continenten vrijwel gelijktijdig surveillance-aanvallen uitvoert, om zo een specifieke abonnee te achterhalen.


MWC Exclusive: AdaptiveMobile Exposes the Where and How of the Latest SS7 Location Tracking Attacks

BARCELONA, Spain–(BUSINESS WIRE)– AdaptiveMobile, the world leader in mobile network security, unveils for the first time unique visualisations of three sophisticated active SS7 tracking platforms being used to track subscriber locations.

AdaptiveMobile has been working with mobile operator networks around the globe to analyse their SS7 network data since launching its SS7 protection in February of 2015. The visualisations unveiled today at Mobile World Congress show how sophisticated packet combinations, multiple origination points and a range of attack possibilities are being used to track the location of subscribers around the world. The research reveals specific examples, including evidence of a global SS7 monitoring platform executing near-simultaneous surveillance attacks from many countries on four continents over a time span of two minutes and twenty seconds in an attempt to track one specific subscriber.

“Subscribers around the world are being tracked through sophisticated attacks to the SS7 network,” said Brian Collins, CEO, AdaptiveMobile. “The increasing levels of complexity of these attacks should be of concern to operator networks; simplistic STP screening is no longer sufficient to counteract this level of attack sophistication and safeguard the mobile subscriber.”

To learn more about the sophisticated location tracking platforms and AdaptiveMobile’s SS7 Security Protection, nominated for “Best Mobile Security or Anti-Fraud Product” at the Global Mobile Awards, visit AdaptiveMobile at MWC in Hall 2, 2B28MR.

To read the full report detailing the findings is available, please send a request to sales@adaptivemobile.com

About AdaptiveMobile:

AdaptiveMobile is the world leader in mobile network security protecting over one billion subscribers worldwide and the only mobile security company offering products designed to protect all services on both fixed and mobile networks through in-network and cloud solutions. With deep expertise and a unique focus on network-to-handset security, AdaptiveMobile’s award-winning security solutions provide its customers with advanced threat detection and actionable intelligence, combined with the most comprehensive mobile security products available on the market today. AdaptiveMobile’s sophisticated, revenue-generating, security-as-a-service portfolio empowers consumers and enterprises alike to take greater control of their own security.

AdaptiveMobile was founded in 2004 and boasts some of the world’s largest mobile operators as customers and the leading security and telecom equipment vendors as partners. The Company is headquartered in Dublin with offices in North America, Europe, South Africa, Middle East and Asia Pacific.


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