09:49 uur 27-05-2020

Jefferies houdt vandaag een wereldwijde liefdadigheidsdag voor het coronavirus, ter nagedachtenis van Peg Broadbent

NEW YORK & LONDEN & HONG KONG– (BUSINESS WIRE) – Jefferies heeft aangekondigd dat het vandaag zijn Global Coronavirus Relief Charity Day organiseert. Het bedrijf en zijn medewerkers zullen bijdragen aan wereldwijde liefdadigheids- en hulpinspanningen om diegenen te helpen die lijden onder de verwoesting veroorzaakt door de wereldwijde pandemie van Coronavirus en zullen investeerders over de hele wereld de mogelijkheid bieden om zich bij deze inspanningen aan te sluiten door handel te drijven met Jefferies. Jefferies zal deze hele inspanning opdragen aan wijlen CFO Peg Broadbent, die het slachtoffer was van deze vreselijke ziekte.

Jefferies to Hold Global Coronavirus Relief Charity Day Today Dedicated to the Memory of Peg Broadbent

NEW YORK & LONDON & HONG KONG–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Jefferies announced that it is holding its Global Coronavirus Relief Charity Day today. The firm and its staff will contribute to global charities and relief efforts to assist those suffering from the devastation caused by the Coronavirus global pandemic and will offer investors around the world the opportunity to join these efforts by trading with Jefferies. Jefferies will dedicate this entire effort to their late CFO Peg Broadbent, who was a victim of this terrible disease.

As previously announced, Jefferies will donate net commissions from trading today, Wednesday, May 27th, for all global trading in equities, fixed income and foreign exchange by the firm’s clients. In addition, Jefferies as a firm will donate $1 million directly, and all 3,822 employees worldwide will be given the opportunity to donate to these efforts. These contributions will be allocated to a series of charities on the front lines in fighting this ongoing global pandemic and providing urgently needed relief for those affected. For our friends and partners who would like to join us in donating to support this effort and honor Peg, please contact Richard Khaleel (number and email below) and we will coordinate your donation to be sure it gets properly credited in your name to one of our chosen charities.

Rich Handler, CEO, and Brian Friedman, President, of Jefferies commented: “All of us at Jefferies have been personally and deeply saddened by the loss of our friend and long-time colleague, Peg Broadbent, to the Coronavirus and we are very concerned about the terrible loss of life and global impact of this pandemic. We dedicate this Global Charity Day in honor of Peg and encourage Jefferies’ global employees and clients to join our efforts to help those in need.”

Jefferies Group LLC is the largest independent, global, full-service investment banking firm headquartered in the U.S. Focused on serving clients for nearly 60 years, Jefferies is a leader in providing insight, expertise and execution to investors, companies and governments. Our firm provides a full range of investment banking, advisory, sales and trading, research and wealth management services across all products in the Americas, Europe and Asia. Jefferies Group LLC is a wholly owned subsidiary of Jefferies Financial Group Inc. (NYSE: JEF), a diversified financial services company.

For further information, please contact your Jefferies representative.


For media inquiries:

Richard Khaleel, +1 212 284 2556, rkhaleel@jefferies.com

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