18:46 uur 02-06-2020

Heropening van de campus: EHL wordt de best uitgeruste horecaschool ter wereld voor een digitale toekomst

LAUSANNE, Zwitserland-(BUSINESS WIRE)- Na twee maanden van sluiting en opsluiting van de campus kondigt de EHL Group de heropening van zijn campussen aan en maakt een positieve beoordeling van de acties die zijn ondernomen om de crisis aan te pakken, evenals van zijn leiderschap in de wereld van het horeca onderwijs in tijden van crisis.

In lijn met de versoepeling van de inperkingsmaatregelen, kondigt EHL de geleidelijke heropening in de maand juni aan. Om de beste voorwaarden voor de terugkeer naar de campus te garanderen, heeft de school een volledig desinfectieplan opgesteld en heeft ze al haar lesmethoden, technologieën en faciliteiten ter plaatse herzien. De Groep kan aldus haar positie als wereldleider versterken en is van plan haar digitale aanbod aanzienlijk uit te breiden met haar nieuwe mogelijkheden voor afstandsonderwijs. Er is ook een evaluatie opgesteld waarin het uitstekende werk en de samenwerking van alle medewerkers en studenten wordt benadrukt, waardoor studenten een optimaal werkritme kunnen behouden en die uit deze periode zullen komen met een veelvoud aan nieuwe vaardigheden. De uitstekende inspanningen van de hele EHL-gemeenschap hebben de Groep ook in staat gesteld om verschillende worstelende gemeenschappen te helpen, zoals KMO’s over de hele wereld, studenten in moeilijkheden of kansarme gemeenschappen.

Campus Reopening: EHL Becomes the World’s Best-equipped Hospitality School for a Digital Future

LAUSANNE, Switzerland–(BUSINESS WIRE)– After two months of campus closure and confinement, EHL Group announces the reopening of its campuses and draws a positive assessment of the actions taken to deal with the crisis, as well as its leadership in the world of hospitality education in times of crisis.

In line with the easing of confinement measures, EHL announces its progressive reopening during the month of June. In order to ensure the best conditions for the return to the campus, the School has put in place a complete disinfection plan and has reviewed all its teaching methods, technologies and on-site facilities. The Group can thus further consolidate its position as world leader and plans to considerably increase its digital offering with its new distance learning capabilities. An assessment has also been drawn up, highlighting the excellent work and collaboration of all employees and students, enabling students to maintain an optimal work rhythm, and who will emerge from this period with a multitude of new skills. The outstanding efforts of the entire EHL community have also enabled the Group to help various struggling communities, such as SMEs around the world, students in difficulty or underprivileged communities.

Managing the Covid-19 crisis: Ready for a digital future

During this period, the true value of the Group was revealed, thanks to its three campuses that have shown solidarity and resilience, its Innovation Hub that continues to drive the industry forward, its Alliance that brings together the biggest names in the hospitality world, its outstanding consultants and, above all, its unique students who are its greatest pride. In total, more than 7,000 hours of courses have been given online since the beginning of the confinement, with close to a hundred professors who had to switch their entire programs to distance learning in just a few days. “A feat as great as the stakes, which was made possible thanks to the extraordinary work carried out by all the academic, technical and support teams”, declared Michel Rochat, CEO of EHL Group. Campus visits, selection interviews, career fairs and industry meetings are also among the activities that have been virtually adapted to ensure excellence and to continue to honor EHL’s role as the world’s leading hospitality management school. Today, EHL boasts an unrivalled digital capacity for a hospitality management school, heralding a multitude of future innovations that will leverage these new technologies.

A detailed infographic explores the multitude of actions undertaken, in support of education and the global hospitality industry, to help deal with the Covid-19 crisis.

About EHL Group: ehl.edu


EHL Group
Sherif Mamdouh |External Communications Manager
communication@ehl.ch | +41 21 785 10 53

Source: EHL Group


A look at EHL Group’s actions in response to the Covid-19 Crisis

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