13:19 uur 29-02-2016

Westinghouse levert VVER-1000-brandstofassemblages voor kerncentrale Temelín

PRAAG–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Westinghouse Electric Company is door het Tsjechische ČEZ, a.s geselecteerd voor de levering van zes eerste-testassemblages voor de kerncentrale Temelín. Dat maakte Westinghouse vandaag bekend.

Het ondertekende contract voldoet aan de standaarden voor licentiëring en ontwikkeling van nieuwe brandstoftypes die worden ingezet in reeds opererende reactoren. Temelín heeft momenteel een uniek brandstofontwerp. Voor een veilige compatibiliteit met bestaand brandstof, zijn daarom twee jaar lang zorgvuldige tests met beperkte introductie van brandstof nodig. Westinghouse, wereldwijd de grootste leverancier van kernbrandstof, heeft veel ervaring in dergelijke transities en kijkt er naar uit samen te werken met ČEZ om dit product te kwalificeren en van een licentie te voorzien. Krachtens het contract, dat tot uitvoer wordt gebracht door Westinghouse Electric Sweden AB, produceert Westinghouse de eerste-testassemblages in zijn faciliteit in het Zweedse Västerås.


Westinghouse to Supply VVER-1000 Fuel Assemblies for Temelín Nuclear Power Plant

PRAGUE–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Westinghouse Electric Company today announced that it has been selected by ČEZ, a.s. in the Czech Republic to supply six Lead Test Assemblies (LTAs) for the Temelín nuclear power station.

The contract signed is consistent with industry licensing and development standards for new fuel types to be inserted into operating reactors. Temelin has a unique fuel design operating currently and therefore careful testing with limited fuel introduction over a period of two years is required to ensure safe compatibility with existing fuel. Westinghouse, as the largest fuel supplier globally, is well experienced in such transition programs and look forward to working with ČEZ to qualify and license this product. Under the terms of the contract, executed by Westinghouse Electric Sweden AB, Westinghouse will manufacture the LTAs at its facility in Västerås, Sweden.

As stated in the European Commission’s European Energy Security Strategy released in May 2014, “…an overall diversified portfolio of fuel supply is needed for all plant operators.” Continuing on the Commission’s strategy, Westinghouse Senior Vice President, Nuclear Fuel and Components Manufacturing José Emeterio Gutiérrez stated, “The decision by ČEZ to launch an LTA program for its Temelín nuclear power station is significant. It demonstrates that ČEZ is serious about taking measures to improve its security of supply and through a diversification of its nuclear fuel sources. We also believe this most recent order reflects ČEZ’s confidence in the quality, reliability and competitiveness of Westinghouse VVER-1000 fuel.”

There are currently 131 nuclear power plants in the EU, over 60 percent of which are based on Westinghouse technology (U.S. or European in design). Five countries (Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Finland, Hungary and Slovakia) operate Russian reactors (four VVER-1000 and 14 VVER-440 type reactors) and are currently 100 percent dependent on fuel supply from Russia (contributing up to 52 percent of electricity in some cases). In December 2014, Westinghouse and Energoatom, Ukraine’s nuclear power plant operator completed a contract extension for its VVER-1000 reactors. Numerous inspections in Ukraine over the years have demonstrated that the safe and efficient use of Westinghouse fuel continues to perform exactly to specification and has not exhibited any flaws in its operation. In 2016, Westinghouse will deliver five reloads to South Ukraine and Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plants in Ukraine.

Westinghouse is a global nuclear fuel provider for pressurized water reactors (PWRs), including Russian VVER reactors, as well as boiling water reactors (BWRs) and advanced gas-cooled reactors (AGRs). Westinghouse provides nuclear fuel to 144 plants globally, 66 of which are in Europe, and has 10 nuclear fuel manufacturing locations around the world, including two sites in Europe: Springfields Fuels in Preston, U.K., and Westinghouse Electric Sweden in Västerås.

To learn more about Westinghouse Electric Company and our 130-year history of innovation visit www.westinghousenuclear.com.


Westinghouse Europe, Middle East & Africa
Hans Korteweg, Communications Manager
+32 (0)2 645-7162 (office)
+32 (0)479-75-13-60 (mobile)

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