XCHG tekent eerste XSignals-klanten en biedt bruikbare ESG-inzichten en marktbenchmarks
NEW YORK & SAN FRANCISCO & SYDNEY– (BUSINESS WIRE) – XCHG, de wereldwijde marktplaats voor Intelligent Commodities ™, kondigde vandaag de lancering aan van XSignals, een onderdeel van het veelzijdige platform van het bedrijf dat ongekende duidelijkheid biedt in de prijsstelling en analyse van digitale , ESG-inclusieve grondstoffen (d-ESGc). Deze prijssignalen – rechtstreeks gerapporteerd vanuit open-marktactiviteit – worden benchmarks die het mogelijk maken om essentiële ESG-factoren te berekenen in de wereldhandel.
Dit persbericht bevat multimedia. Bekijk hier de volledige release: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20200727005224/en/
Tot de eerste klanten van XSignals behoren toonaangevende bedrijven die handelsdiensten verlenen aan verkopers en kopers van digitale milieugoederen zoals hernieuwbare energiecertificaten en koolstofcompensaties, met een pijplijn van klanten uit sectoren die langdurige milieuverplichtingen aangaan, zoals het CORSIA-akkoord van de luchtvaartindustrie.
XCHG Signs First XSignals Customers, Providing Actionable ESG Insights and Market Benchmarks
NEW YORK & SAN FRANCISCO & SYDNEY–(BUSINESS WIRE)– XCHG, the global marketplace for Intelligent Commodities™, today announced the launch of XSignals, a component of the company’s multi-sided platform that offers unprecedented clarity in the pricing and analysis of digital, ESG-inclusive commodities (d-ESGc). These price signals—reported directly from open market activity—become benchmarks that enable vital ESG factors to be calculated into global trade.
This press release features multimedia. View the full release here: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20200727005224/en/

(Graphic: Business Wire)
XSignals’ initial customers include leading firms engaged in providing trading services to sellers and buyers of digital environmental commodities like Renewable Energy Certificates and Carbon Offsets, with a pipeline of customers from industries making long-term environmental commitments, such as the aviation industry’s CORSIA accord.
“The markets we serve are incredibly dynamic, and our customers need to know where value is being created, as reflected in real-time prices,” said Andy Bose, Head of Ecosystems and Data Partnerships for XCHG. “With the launch of our XSignals platform, we provide an unparalleled understanding of the forces moving commodities markets, giving our customers comprehensive information to inform better decisions.”
Inclusive of a broad range of asset classes and offerings, XSignals provides timely, transparent information to support trading, compliance, and risk-management decisions. XSignals translates ESG spot market price data into high-quality reference products, enabling global markets to accurately price ESG factors.
“Our aim in launching XSignals is to enhance the market’s understanding of price and value for the broad range of environmental products transacted on our exchange,” Bose said. “We’re offering unique insight into where prices are coming from, empowering a deeper understanding of where value will be in the future.”
XCHG’s first product offerings include market data—trade orders and consummated transactions—in US RECs and international carbon from the company’s spot exchange, CBL Markets. XSignals provides daily data on price, volume, time, market depth, and other key indicators that offer real-time insight into value, as reflected in the marketplace. XSignals also offers access to a historical data set that covers the last 30 months of transactions.
“In order for the global economy to transition to a sustainable trajectory, indicative price signals for ESG factors in food, energy, and materials are needed to direct capital flows over time,” said XCHG CEO Joe Madden. “XSignals provides the foundation for this transition through the consistent, reliable representation of objective value for ESG factors in commodity pricing.”
XCHG plans to deepen the XSignals offering with more capabilities, including tools for data analysis and visualization, allowing customers to both self-serve and take advantage of XCHG’s understanding of how that data will be of maximum value.
“XSignals is another step toward delivering on our mission of more accurately valuing the commodities at the base of the global economy in the century ahead,” said Madden.
About XCHG
Xpansiv CBL Holding Group (XCHG) is the world’s first commodity marketplace built for a data-rich, resource-constrained world. We bring transparency to global markets through innovative, ESG-inclusive commodity products and price information. XCHG.net
View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20200727005224/en/
Rob Dalton, XCHG VP Marketing & Communications