Universal Peace Federation (UPF) houdt wereldwijd seminar over het thema “Kansen en hoop in een tijd van wereldwijde crisis: onderlinge afhankelijkheid, wederzijdse welvaart en universele waarden”.
LONDEN– (BUSINESS WIRE) – In een poging om hoop en optimisme te verspreiden tijdens de coronaviruspandemie die meer dan 27 miljoen mensen heeft besmet en wereldwijd meer dan 189.000 mensen heeft gedood, heeft UPF, een ngo met een algemene consultatieve status bij de Economische en Sociale Raad van de Verenigde Staten Naties zullen hun eerste virtuele International Leadership Conference (ILC) bijeenroepen op 11-13 september 2020.
De ILC zal gelijktijdige webinars organiseren in drie tijdzonevriendelijke clusters: Amerika, Azië-Pacific en de gecombineerde continenten Europa, Afrika en het Midden-Oosten.
“Dit jaar waren er dramatische verstoringen, niet alleen als gevolg van de COVID-19-pandemie, maar ook in geopolitiek, de wereldeconomie, de media, religie en alle niveaus van de samenleving”, zei Dr. Thomas G. Walsh, voorzitter van de Universal Peace Federation.
“Als de wereldleiders en burgers samenkomen en naar elkaar luisteren,” voegde hij eraan toe, “is het gemakkelijk voor te stellen hoe onze vriendschappen kunnen groeien en hoe we als één wereldwijde familie kunnen leven.”
Voormalig secretaris-generaal van de Verenigde Naties, de heer Ban Ki-moon, zei op de recente virtuele top “Rally of Hope”, 9 augustus 2020, dat hij geloofde dat “UPF een hoeksteen zal worden voor het opbouwen van duurzame vrede over de hele wereld. ”
Universal Peace Federation (UPF) Holds Global Seminar on the Theme “Opportunity and Hope at a Time of Global Crisis: Interdependence, Mutual Prosperity, and Universal Values.”
LONDON–(BUSINESS WIRE)– In an attempt to spread hope and optimism during the coronavirus pandemic which has infected more than 27 million people and killed over 189,000 globally, UPF, an NGO in general consultative status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations will convene its first virtual International Leadership Conference (ILC) on Sept. 11-13, 2020.
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Former Secretary-General of the United Nations, Mr. Ban Ki-moon said at the recent virtual summit “Rally of Hope”, Aug. 9, 2020, he believed that “UPF will become a cornerstone to build lasting peace around the world.” (Photo: Business Wire)
The ILC will host concurrent webinars in three, time-zone friendly clusters: the Americas, Asia Pacific, and the combined continents of Europe, Africa, and the Middle East.
“This year has seen dramatic disruptions, not only due to the COVID-19 pandemic but in geopolitics, the world economy, the media, religion and all levels of society,” said Universal Peace Federation Chairman Dr. Thomas G. Walsh.
“When the world’s leaders and citizens gather and listen to each other,” he added, “it’s easy to envision how our friendships can grow, and how we can live as one global family.”
Former Secretary-General of the United Nations, Mr. Ban Ki-moon said at the recent virtual summit “Rally of Hope”, Aug. 9, 2020, he believed that “UPF will become a cornerstone to build lasting peace around the world.”
In addition to addressing major issues of the day, the conference will commemorate the 15-year anniversary of the Universal Peace Federation and the centenary of UPF’s Co-Founder, Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon (1920-2012).
Featured speakers in the Europe, Africa and Middle-East Peace-Dialogue will include former heads of state such as Goodluck Jonathan from Nigeria or H.E Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca from Malta, or Dr. Werner Fasslabend, former minister of defense, Austria, religious leaders with a large following such as Prophet Radebe from South Africa or Cheikh Soufi Bilal Diallo from Mali, and business leaders such as the philanthropist Joseph Busha from Zimbabwe.
The September 11-13 program will highlight the work of UPF’s seven Associations: International Summit Council for Peace (ISCP), International Association of Parliamentarians for Peace (IAPP), Interreligious Association for Peace and Development (IAPD), International Media Association for Peace (IMAP), International Association of Academicians for Peace (IAAP), International Association for Peace and Economic Development (IAED) and International Association of First Ladies for Peace (IAFLP).
Please register for the ILC sessions here: http://www.ilc-2020.org. You will then receive by email an invitation including all the links for each session as well as a brief description of each session. In addition to English, translations will be available in Arabic, French, Portuguese, Spanish and Russian. Attendance is free.
View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20200910005456/en/
Peter Zoehrer
Media Relations, UPF Europe & Middle East