09:14 uur 29-03-2016

Crown Bioscience geeft licenties voor PDX-beheer met HuBase

SANTA CLARA, Calif.–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Crown Bioscience Inc., een dochteronderneming van medicijnontwikkelaar Crown Bioscience International, dat translationele platforms ter bevordering van oncologie en onderzoek naar stofwisselingsziekten aanbiedt, heeft vandaag bekendgemaakt dat het enkele farmaceutische bedrijven en biotechondernemingen een licentie voor zijn gepatenteerde softwareontwerp HuBase 2.0 heeft gegeven.

Cliënten van CrownBio hebben nu de mogelijkheid hun portefeuille van interne, van patiënten afkomstige xenografts (PDX) te beheren op het technologieplatform HuBase. HuBase is de toonaangevende database van PDX-modellen, waaronder genomische profilering, farmacologische gegevens in vivo en beelden van het ziekteverloop van tumoren. HuBase is beschikbaar als volledig beheerde software, als een abonnementssysteem (SaaS) of als private installatie binnen de eigen servers van klanten.



Crown Bioscience Licenses its HuBase™ PDX Management Software

SANTA CLARA, Calif.–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Crown Bioscience Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of Crown Bioscience International (TWSE: ticker 6554), a global drug discovery and development solutions company providing translational platforms to advance oncology and metabolic disease research, has announced the licensing of its proprietary HuBase™ 2.0 software architecture to several pharmaceutical and biotech companies.

CrownBio clients will be now able to manage their internal patient-derived xenograft (PDX) portfolio on the model of CrownBio’s bespoke HuBase technology platform. HuBase is the industry-leading database of curated PDX models including genomic profiling and in vivo pharmacology data, as well as tumor pathology images. HuBase will become available as either a fully managed software, as a service solution (SaaS), or as a private installation on customers own internal servers which they can run autonomously.

“We are thrilled to be able to provide our clients a technology solution that helps them mine their PDX collection,” said  Laurie Heilmann, SVP of Global Strategy, Marketing and Business Development. “Excitingly this licensing program really started as a response to customer requests, who found HuBase intuitive and user friendly and asked if it could be made available for their own collections of models. We are confident that our technology platforms will have a positive impact on the way our clients maintain their data and will ultimately accelerate their drug discovery programs.”

With this licence CrownBio demonstrates its commitment to providing cutting edge solutions for drug discovery, opening up the possibility of integrating its clients PDX portfolio in HuBase, for a combined view. Alternatively the licensing package will be offered as a framework and user interface for managing customers’ own portfolio of models. With both offerings CrownBio provides initial set-up and will assist customers with data uploading.

About Crown Bioscience Inc.

Crown Bioscience is a global drug discovery and development solutions company providing translational platforms to advance oncology and metabolic disease research. With an extensive portfolio of relevant models and predictive tools, Crown Bioscience enables clients to deliver superior clinical candidates. For more information, please visit www.crownbio.com.


SCORR Marketing for Crown Bioscience Inc.
Lea Studer, +1 308-237-5567

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