Het nieuwe Moody’s Analytics Early Warning System helpt kredietrisico’s sneller te identificeren
NEW YORK– (BUSINESS WIRE) – Moody’s Analytics heeft vandaag zijn nieuwe Early Warning System aangekondigd, een enkel platform dat meerdere vroege signalen van kredietrisico identificeert en om kredietprofessionals te helpen bij het nemen van bruikbare beslissingen en effectiever toezicht te houden op hun portefeuilles.
Het Early Warning System is toegankelijk via de Moody’s Analytics CreditEdgeTM en RiskCalcTM oplossingen en stelt gebruikers in staat om snel risicobedrijven in hun portefeuille te identificeren, zodat ze tijdig actie kunnen ondernemen.
De aanhoudende economische onzekerheid maakt het moeilijker om risico’s te identificeren. Kredietprofessionals moeten gebruik maken van veel, soms tegenstrijdige signalen, zoals financiële ratio’s, kredietratings, aandelenkoersen, kans op wanbetaling, downgrade-risico, macro-economische gegevens en nieuws. De nieuwe Early Warning Score, een onderdeel van het Early Warning System, synthetiseert verschillende kredietrisico-indicatoren (inclusief gegevens van de Moody’s Analytics Credit Sentiment ScoreTM oplossing, een AI-gestuurde vertolker van nieuwssentiment) om een algemene beoordeling van kredietverslechtering te geven. De Early Warning Score, gecombineerd met vooraf ingevulde financiële gegevens en geautomatiseerde workflows, helpt portfoliomanagers actie te ondernemen voordat waarde verloren gaat.
New Moody’s Analytics Early Warning System Helps Identify Credit Risks Faster
NEW YORK–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Moody’s Analytics today announced its new Early Warning System, which is a single platform that identifies multiple early signals of credit risk to help credit professionals make actionable decisions and more effectively monitor their portfolios.
Accessible from the Moody’s Analytics CreditEdgeTM and RiskCalcTM solutions, the Early Warning System allows users to quickly identify at-risk companies in their portfolio so that they can take timely action.
The continuing economic uncertainty makes it harder to pinpoint risks. Credit professionals need to tap many, sometimes contradictory signals such as financial ratios, credit ratings, stock prices, probability of default, downgrade risk, macroeconomic data, and news. The new Early Warning Score, a component of the Early Warning System, synthesizes different credit risk indicators (including data from the Moody’s Analytics Credit Sentiment ScoreTM solution, an AI-powered interpreter of news sentiment) to provide an overall assessment of credit deterioration. The Early Warning Score, combined with pre-populated financials and automated workflows, helps portfolio managers take action before value is lost.
“In this difficult environment there is an even greater premium on making better, faster business decisions,” said Nihil Patel, Managing Director at Moody’s Analytics. “By integrating multiple credit risk signals into one platform, the Early Warning System helps our customers more quickly identify emerging credit risks in their portfolio.”
About Moody’s Analytics
Moody’s Analytics provides financial intelligence and analytical tools to help business leaders make better, faster decisions. Our deep risk expertise, expansive information resources, and innovative application of technology help our clients confidently navigate an evolving marketplace. We are known for our industry-leading and award-winning solutions, made up of research, data, software, and professional services, assembled to deliver a seamless customer experience. We create confidence in thousands of organizations worldwide, with our commitment to excellence, open mindset approach, and focus on meeting customer needs. For more information about Moody’s Analytics, visit our website or connect with us on Twitter and LinkedIn.
Moody’s Analytics, Inc. is a subsidiary of Moody’s Corporation (NYSE: MCO). Moody’s Corporation reported revenue of $4.8 billion in 2019, employs approximately 11,400 people worldwide and maintains a presence in more than 40 countries.
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